Interface ProcessInstance

public interface ProcessInstance
Represents a workflow and provides related information.
  • Method Details

    • getProcessInstanceKey

      ProcessInstanceKey getProcessInstanceKey()
      Returns the identifier of this workflow.
    • getPublishProcessKey

      PublishedProcessKey getPublishProcessKey()
      Returns the identifier of the associated workflow publication.

      In the case of a sub-workflow, this method returns the key of the publication associated with the main workflow.

    • getLabel

      UserMessage getLabel()
      Returns the label of this workflow.
    • getDescription

      UserMessage getDescription()
      Returns the description of this workflow.
    • getCreator

      UserReference getCreator()
      Returns the user that created this workflow.
    • getCreationDate

      Date getCreationDate()
      Returns the creation date of this workflow.
    • getLastModificationDate

      Date getLastModificationDate()
      Returns the last modified date of this workflow.
    • getPriority

      Integer getPriority()
      Returns the current priority of this workflow if defined, otherwise returns null.
    • getPriorityOrDefaultPriority

      Integer getPriorityOrDefaultPriority()
      Returns the current priority of this workflow or the default priority if defined, else null.
    • isCompleted

      boolean isCompleted()
      Returns true if this workflow is completed, returns false otherwise.
    • isInError

      boolean isInError()
      Returns true if this workflow has errors, otherwise returns false.
    • getWorkItems

      List<UserTask.WorkItem> getWorkItems()
      Returns the list of the current work items if this workflow is currently executing a user task.

      If this workflow is complete, or the current step is not a user task, this method returns an empty list.

      a List of UserTask.WorkItem.
    • getDataContext

      DataContextReadOnly getDataContext()
      Returns the data context of this workflow.
    • getSubWorkflows

      List<ProcessInstance> getSubWorkflows()
      Returns the list of all the sub-workflows (past or current) of this workflow; if no sub-workflows exist, returns an empty list.

      The returned sub-workflows may be active or completed (@link isCompleted().

      a List of ProcessInstance.
    • getCurrentSubWorkflows

      List<ProcessInstance> getCurrentSubWorkflows()
      Returns the list of the current sub-workflows; if no current sub-workflows exist, returns an empty list.

      The current sub-workflows are the sub-workflows for which the workflow is waiting; this is to say the sub-workflows matching with the current sub-workflows invocation step.

      The returned sub-workflows may be active or completed (@link isCompleted().

      a List of ProcessInstance.
    • getSubWorkflowName

      String getSubWorkflowName()
      Returns the identifier of a sub-workflow in the case of a dynamic sub-workflow invocation.
    • getParentKey

      ProcessInstanceKey getParentKey()
      Returns the parent of the sub-workflow if the process instance is a sub-workflow, otherwise returns null.
      See Also:
    • isSubWorkflow

      boolean isSubWorkflow()
      Returns true if the process instance is a sub-workflow, otherwise returns false.