TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R

Run the TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R Console

Regardless from where you use an installation of TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR™), you can run a console interface for writing and testing functions scripts, or for running a batch process.

  • If you have installed the stand-alone TERR™ console, for example, on Microsoft Windows, you can run the TERR console by double-clicking the program from the Start menu in Windows.
  • You can run the engine’s executable TERR.exe from its installation location. For example, for the 64-bit TERR 6.0 installation on 64-bit Windows, the engine is installed in C:\Program Files\TIBCO\terr60\bin.
  • If you are running TERR in Spotfire, you can launch the TERR engine from the Spotfire menu by clicking Tools > TERR Tools, and then clicking Launch TERR Console. Also, you can find the executable in the same TERR Tools dialog by clicking Copy TERR engine Path to Clipboard.
  • If you prefer to work in an integrated development environment, you can use the TERR engine with RStudio®. See Technical Note: Configure RStudio® to use TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R on https://docs.tibco.com/products/tibco-enterprise-runtime-for-r.

You can customize your TERR session by using the files TERRenviron, TERRprofile, .TERRData, and .First. See Customize the TERR environment at startup for more information.