Complex Valued Objects


The complex and as.complex functions create vectors of complex numbers.


complex(length.out = 0L, real = numeric(), imaginary = numeric(),
        modulus = 1, argument = 0)
as.complex(x, ...)


length length of the returned object.
real vector of real parts for use in the construction of the return value.
imaginary vector of imaginary parts for use in the construction of the return value.
modulus vector of moduli for use in the construction of the return value.
argument vector of arguments for use in the construction of the return value.
x any object.
... additional arguments.


The "+" within the rectangular representation of a complex number has the usual precedence.
The as.complex function is generic but currently there are no methods written for it.
complexreturns a simple object (that is, a vector) of mode "complex". If real and/or imaginary are specified, the real and imaginary parts of the result are set from them, using the defaults if necessary. If modulus and/or argument are specified, the modulus and argument of the result are set from them, using the defaults if necessary. real and imaginary are ignored in this case.
is.complexreturns TRUE if x is of mode "complex". Otherwise, returns FALSE. Its behavior is unaffected by any attributes of x; for example, x could be a complex array.
as.complexreturns x if x is a simple object of mode "complex". Otherwise, it returns a complex object of the same length as x and with data resulting from coercing the elements of x to mode "complex". Attributes are deleted.
See Also
Complex (describes the functions that do basic manipulations of complex), numbers.
complex(real=3, imag=4) == 3+4i
complex(mod=2, arg=1.5*pi) - (-2i) # almost equal
log(complex(arg=seq(0, pi, len=5))) / pi
log(-.1) # NaN, because -.1 is numeric, not complex
log(-.1 + 0i) # complex(re=-log(10), im=pi)
x <- -7:8
fft(sin(x*2.5*pi) + 1/(1+x^2))[1:(length(x)/2)]
Package base version 6.1.4-13
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