Gamma Function (and Its Derivatives and Logarithm)


Describes the special mathematics function gamma and its derivatives and logarithma.


psigamma(x, deriv = 0) 


  • for gamma and lgamma, a numeric or complex object.
  • for digamma, a numeric or complex value, or a vector.
  • For trigamma, a numeric or complex value, or a vector. It can be real or complex, but it must have a positive real part.
Missing values (NA) are allowed.


gamma and lgamma: For more details about the gamma function, see
digamma, trigamma and psigamma: gamma, lgamma, digamma and trigamma are members of the Math group of generic functions.
NAs are returned when evaluation would cause numerical problems, except that when an overflow occurs, an infinity is returned.
gammareturns the gamma function evaluated for each value in x.
lgammareturns natural log of the gamma function evaluated for each value in x.
digammareturns the derivative of the log gamma function evaluated for each value in x.
trigammareturns the second derivative of the log gamma function evaluated for each value in x.
psigammareturns the (deriv+1)-th derivative of the log gamma function evaluated for each value in x.
gamma is used as the default method for classes that do not inherit a specific method for the function or for the Math group of functions. The result retains the class and the attributes. If this behavior is not appropriate, the designer of the class should provide a method for the function or for the Math group.
Abramowitz, M., and Stegun, I. A. (Eds.). (1965). Handbook of Mathematical Functions. New York: Dover.
Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (1997). Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, Second Ed. New York: Springer.
Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. (For gamma and lgamma.)
Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (1972) Handbook of Mathematical Functions. New York: Dover. Chapter 6: Gamma and Related Functions.
See family for the family generating function Gamma used with the glm and gam functions. See GAMMA for the functions related to the gamma distribution: dgamma (density), pgamma (probability), qgamma (quantile), rgamma (sample).
See Also
Special, GAMMA, family, exp, sum, cumsum
gamma(6)   # same as 5 factorial 
(gamma(5+1.0e-6)-gamma(5))/1.0e-6/gamma(5)  # Gives: 1.506119

lgamma(20) # natural log of gamma(20) (lgamma(5+1.0e-6)-lgamma(5))/1.0e-6 # Gives: 1.506118

digamma(6) # derivative digamma(5) # Gives: 1.506118

trigamma(6)# second derivative

x <- seq(1, 2, .1) matrix(c(x, trigamma(x)), ncol=2) identical(digamma(x), psigamma(x, 0)) # Gives: TRUE identical(trigamma(x), psigamma(x, 1)) # Gives: TRUE

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