Obtain a Description of one or more Native Symbols


Returns the specified native symbol information.


getNativeSymbolInfo(name, PACKAGE, unlist = TRUE, 
   withRegistrationInfo = FALSE)


name a vector or list of names, or a "NativeRoutineList" object specifying native functions to get information for.
PACKAGE a package name, "DLLInfo" or "DllInfoReference" object specifying the package the search for functions should be constrained to.
unlist a logical flag. If TRUE, the return value is unlisted for single symbol information. Otherwise, a list contained one or more symbols information is returned.
withRegistrationInfo a logical flag. If TRUE, indicates that the function entry point is returned. If FALSE (the default), its registration address is returned.


This function searches for external functions (optionally constrained by the specified package) and returns a list of structures (one per function) containing the following: If the function was registered explicitly with the engine (via the R_registerRoutines API) rather than dynamically resolved, and if the withRegistrationInfo argument is TRUE, then that information is also passed back.
returns a named list with function information. Each element is a list of class "NativeSymbolInfo", which is for registered symbols combined with one class of "CRoutine", "CallRoutine", "FortranRoutine", or "ExternalRoutine", depending on the call type registered. This list contains the following components:
name a character string representing the function name.
address Logical NA of either class "NativeSymbol" or "RegisteredNativeSymbol" for registered functions when the withRegistrationInfo argument is TRUE.
dll a "DLLInfo" object describing the DLL that contains the function.
numParameters the number of function arguments, or NA if it was not set at registration time, or if the function was not registered.
Differences between Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R and Open-source R
In open-source R, getNativeSymbolInfo returns the address of the routine's entry point or its registration record (if withRegistrationInfo is TRUE) in the address field. In Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R, the field always contains NA. The name of the third field of the return value is a package in open-source R, but it is a DLL in Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R, where it is compatible with information returned by getDLLRegisteredRoutines (where open-source R names the field DLL).
Lang, D. T. 2001. In Search of C/C++ & FORTRAN Routines. R News. Volume 1/3, pages 20-23, September 2001.
See Also
getDLLRegisteredRoutines, getLoadedDlls
getNativeSymbolInfo(c("fit_gnls","mixed_EM"), "nlme")
getNativeSymbolInfo(c("fit_gnls","mixed_EM"),  getLoadedDLLs()$nlme) # PACKAGE is a "DLLInfo" object.

identical(getNativeSymbolInfo("fit_gnls"), getLoadedDLLs()$nlme$fit_gnls) # TRUE

getNativeSymbolInfo("fit_gnls", "nlme", unlist = FALSE) # result for single symbol is unlisted.

getNativeSymbolInfo("fit_gnls", "nlme")$address # class: "NativeSymbol" getNativeSymbolInfo("fit_gnls", "nlme", withRegistrationInfo = TRUE)$address # class: "RegisteredNativeSymbol"

Package base version 6.1.4-13
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