List Vignettes in an HTML Browser


Creates a vignettes list and displays the resulting list in an HTML browser.


browseVignettes(package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, all = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'browseVignettes': print(x, ...)


package a character vector giving the names of packages whose vignettes are listed.
  • If package is missing, and if all is TRUE, all available packages under lib.loc are searched.
  • If package is missing, and if all is FALSE, only the loaded and attached packages under lib.loc are searched.
lib.loc a character vector to give the library directories where the packages are located. If it is missing, .libPaths() is used.

all a logical value to indicate if all available packages should be searched when package is not given. Otherwise, only the loaded and attached packages are searched.
x a list object of class "browseVignettes". Normally, it is the result of a function call to browseVignettes().
... other optional arguments pass to print method.


The packages that have vignettes should satisfy two conditions: The print method for class "browseVignettes" creates a temporary HTML file with x and calls browseURL to display the resulting temporary HTML file in a browser. If no vignette is found, it just displays a message to terminate without creating and showing an HTML file.
browseVignettesreturns a list object of class "browseVignettes". Each component is a package-named matrix with five fixed columns:
"Dir" The file directory for the vignette.
"File" The file name of the vignette.
"Title" The short description of the vignette.
"R" The source file name for the vignette.
"PDF" The PDF file name for the vignette.
Each row of the matrix represents the information of one vignette.

The list object also has two attributes:

  • The attribute "call" stores the system call of this function.
  • The attribute "footer" stores the help information on how to list the vignettes in all available packages when all is FALSE.
printReturns x (that is, the list object of class "browseVignettes") invisibly.
See Also
browseURL, readRDS, search, file.path
# List vignettes from all available packages:
# List vignettes from the loaded and attached packages:
browseVignettes(all = FALSE)
# List vignettes from the specified packages:
browseVignettes(c("Matrix", "utils"))
# Result is same as above, but with a footer:
browseVignettes(c("Matrix", "utils"), all = FALSE)
Package utils version 6.1.4-13
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