Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Opening the Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Console from Spotfire Analyst

TERR is provided in your installation of Spotfire Analyst so you can script and run data functions or create predictive models.

About this task

TERR Tools is provided to give you access to the TERR console to test scripts and functions, to launch the RStudio interactive development environment for script authoring, and to the TERR Language Reference for help with installed packages. TERR Tools also provides an interface to download and install packages from a package repository..

Perform this task from Spotfire Analyst.

Before you begin

To work with TERR, you must have the appropriate license in Spotfire Analyst.


  1. From the menu, click Tools > TERR Tools.
  2. Click Launch TERR Console.
    The TERR engine console that is included in the Spotfire Analyst Modules folder is displayed in a separate window.