Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Probability Distributions and Random Numbers

These are the available functions for probability distributions and random numbers. See each function's help topic in the TERR Language Reference for more information.

Function name Title description
.Random.seed Control Random Number Generator
Beta The Beta Distribution
Binomial The Binomial Distribution
Cauchy The Cauchy Distribution
Chisquare The Chi-square Distribution
dbeta The Beta Distribution
dbinom The Binomial Distribution
dcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
dchisq The Chi-square Distribution
density Kernel Estimate of Probability Density Function
density.default Kernel Estimate of Probability Density Function
dexp The Exponential Distribution
df The F Distribution
dgamma The Gamma Distribution
dgeom The Geometric Distribution
dhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
dlnorm The Lognormal Distribution
dlogis The Logistic Distribution
dmultinom The Multinomial Distribution
dnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
dnorm The Normal Distribution
dpois The Poisson Distribution
dsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
dt The Student's t Distribution
dunif The Uniform Distribution
dweibull The Weibull Distribution
dwilcox The Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
Exponential The Exponential Distribution
FDist The F Distribution
fivenum Tukey Five-Number Summaries
GammaDist The Gamma Distribution
Geometric The Geometric Distribution
Hypergeometric The Hypergeometric Distribution
Logistic The Logistic Distribution
Lognormal The Lognormal Distribution
NegBinomial The Negative Binomial Distribution
Normal The Normal Distribution
pbeta The Beta Distribution
pbinom The Binomial Distribution
pcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
pchisq The Chi-square Distribution
pexp The Exponential Distribution
pf The F Distribution
pgamma The Gamma Distribution
pgeom The Geometric Distribution
phyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
plnorm The Lognormal Distribution
plogis The Logistic Distribution
pnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
pnorm The Normal Distribution
Poisson The Poisson Distribution
ppoints Plotting Points for Quantile-Quantile Plots
ppois The Poisson Distribution
psignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
pt The Student's t Distribution
ptukey The Studentized Range Distribution
punif The Uniform Distribution
pweibull The Weibull Distribution
pwilcox The Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
qbeta The Beta Distribution
qbinom The Binomial Distribution
qcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
qchisq The Chi-square Distribution
qexp The Exponential Distribution
qf The F Distribution
qgamma The Gamma Distribution
qgeom The Geometric Distribution
qhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
qlnorm The Lognormal Distribution
qlogis The Logistic Distribution
qnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
qnorm The Normal Distribution
qpois The Poisson Distribution
qqnorm Normal Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqnorm.default Normal Quantile-Quantile Plots
qsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
qt The Student's t Distribution
qtukey The Studentized Range Distribution
quantile Empirical Quantiles
qunif The Uniform Distribution
qweibull The Weibull Distribution
qwilcox The Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
r2dtable Random Two-way Tables with Given Marginals
rbeta The Beta Distribution
rbinom The Binomial Distribution
rcauchy The Cauchy Distribution
rchisq The Chi-square Distribution
rexp The Exponential Distribution
rf The F Distribution
rgamma The Gamma Distribution
rgeom The Geometric Distribution
rhyper The Hypergeometric Distribution
rlnorm The Lognormal Distribution
rlogis The Logistic Distribution
rmultinom The Multinomial Distribution
rnbinom The Negative Binomial Distribution
RNG Control Random Number Generator
RNGkind Control Random Number Generator
RNGversion Control Random Number Generator
rnorm The Normal Distribution
rpois The Poisson Distribution
rsignrank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
rt The Student's t Distribution
runif The Uniform Distribution
rweibull The Weibull Distribution
rwilcox The Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
sample Generate Random Samples or Permutations of Data Generate Random Samples or Permutations of Data
set.seed Control Random Number Generator
SignRank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Statistic
TDist The Student's t Distribution
Tukey The Studentized Range Distribution
Uniform The Uniform Distribution
Weibull The Weibull Distribution
Wilcoxon The Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic