Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Simple Univariate Statistics

These are the available functions for simple univariate statistics. See each function's help topic in the TERR Language Reference for more information.

Function name Title description
ave Group Averages Over Level Combinations of Factors
cor Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cov Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
cov2cor Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
fivenum Tukey Five-Number Summaries
sd Compute Standard Deviation
var Correlation, Variance, and Covariance (Matrices)
weighted.mean Compute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.Date Compute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.default Compute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.difftime Compute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.POSIXct Compute Weighted Mean
weighted.mean.POSIXlt Compute Weighted Mean