Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R

Run the Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R Console

Regardless from where you use an installation of Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R ( a/k/a TERR™) , you can run a console interface for writing and testing functions scripts, or for running a batch process.

  • If you have installed the stand-alone TERR™ console, for example, on Microsoft Windows, you can run the TERR console by double-clicking the program from the Start menu in Windows.
  • You can run the engine’s executable TERR.exe from its installation location. For example, for the 64-bit TERR 6.1 installation on 64-bit Windows, the engine is installed in C:\Program Files\spotfire\terr61\bin.
  • If you are running TERR in Spotfire, you can launch the TERR engine from the Spotfire menu by clicking Tools > TERR Tools, and then clicking Launch TERR Console. Also, you can find the executable in the same TERR Tools dialog by clicking Copy TERR engine Path to Clipboard.
  • If you prefer to work in an integrated development environment, you can use the TERR engine with RStudio®. See Configure RStudio to use Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R.

You can customize your TERR session by using the files TERRenviron, TERRprofile, .TERRData, and .First. See Customize the TERR environment at startup for more information.