Persistence Server (tibstore) Command Line Reference

Administrators use the tibstore command line executable to start persistence server processes.

Most command line parameters and options have both a short and a long form. The command line parser accepts either form.

Before starting the tibstore executable, you must ensure that the library path environment variable includes the TIBCO FTL product installation bin directory.


Parameter Arguments Description


  Display a help message describing the command line parameters and options.

Name and Communications

Parameter Arguments Description


server_name Required.

Set the name of this persistence server. The server_name must match one of the names defined in the cluster. Each server process must use a distinct name.



URL Required.

URL of the realm server.

The persistence server contacts the realm server at this location to receive its realm definition. Supply the location of the primary realm server or a satellite server (see Connect Port).



URL Optional.

URL of the backup realm server.

If the regular realm server is unavailable, the persistence server contacts the backup realm server at this location to receive its realm definition. Supply the location of the backup realm server (see Connect Port).

File I/O

Parameter Arguments Description


path Optional.

When present, the persistence server stores its working data files in this path location. (The directory at path must exist, as the persistence server does not create it automatically.)

When absent, the default path is the current directory.

Ensure that each persistence server process uses a unique path location.

(The persistence server stores quorum data in this directory. It does not store messages or acknowledgements here.)



path Optional.

When present, the persistence server writes its state file in this path location. (The directory at path must exist, as the persistence server does not create it automatically.)

When absent, the default path is the current directory.

The state file name is always server_name.state.

A server writes its state file only in response to an explicit command. This parameter specifies the location, but does not trigger a save operation. See Saving the State of a Persistence Server and POST persistence/clus_name/servers/svr_name.

This parameter does not affect loading a state file.

For more information, see Saving the State of a Persistence Server.



path Optional.

When present, the persistence server loads its state from this state file. (Specify the file pathname, not only the directory path.)

When absent, the server loads its state from the default state file, server_name.state.

For more information, see Restarting a Persistence Server with Saved State.


Parameter Arguments Description


path Optional. (Required for authentication.)

When present, the persistence server reads a user name and password from the file at path, and authenticates itself to the realm server using those credentials. For details, see Password File.

TLS Security

Parameter Arguments Description path Optional. (Required for TLS communication with a secure realm server.)

When present, the persistence server reads a trust file from path, and uses that trust data in communications with the secure realm server. See Running a Secure Realm Server. Optional.

The persistence server trusts any realm server without verifying trust in the server's certificate.

Warning: Do not use this parameter except for convenience in development and testing. It is not secure.

Memory Reserve

Parameter Arguments Description
--mem-reserve size Optional.

When present, the persistence server reserves memory so it can continue limited operations after exhausting available memory.

The size argument specifies the amount of memory in bytes. The minimum size is 100 megabytes.

When absent, the server allocates the minimum size reserve.

For more information, see Memory Reserve for Persistence Servers.

Tracing and Logging

Parameter Arguments Description


level Optional.

When present, the persistence server outputs trace messages to stderr.

You may specify any of the standard log level strings (see “Tuning the Log Level” in TIBCO FTL Development).

When absent, the default trace level is info.

--logfile logfile_prefix Optional.

When present, the persistence server logs to a rolling set of log files instead of the console. The logfile_prefix argument may denote a path. All of the directories in the path must already exist.

For more information about rotating log files, see “Log Output Targets” in TIBCO FTL Development.

When absent, the persistence server sends log output to the console, ignoring the parameters --max-log-size and --max-logs.

--max-log-size size Optional.

Limits the maximum size, in bytes, of log files. The value must be greater than 100 kilobytes (102400 bytes). The default value is 2 megabytes (2*1024*1024 bytes).

--max-logs logs Optional.

Limits the maximum number of rolling log files. The default is 50.