Saving the State of a Persistence Server

Administrators can save the state of persistence servers.


All the servers in the cluster must be suspended.


  1. Open the servers list.

    You may save all the servers, or only a subset. The choice depends on available disk space, network speed and bandwidth. If you save only a subset, ensure that you save the quorum leader or the server with the latest history numbers.

  2. Locate the server to save, and click the Save icon in the corresonding row. Confirm.
  3. Wait for the server to finish saving, and verify success.

    When the save operation is complete, the Disk column will indicate the value Saved. Alternatively, you can verify the save operation by checking the server log messages and the timestamp on the saved state file.

    A save operation could fail if the disk is full, for example.

    If a save operation fails, take corrective action and save again.

    Note: The save operation includes only replicated state. If replication is not enabled for a store, then the save operation excludes the content of that store from the state file.
    Note: The state file name is server_name.state.
For more information, see --savedir.
    Note: If the state file already exists, the save operation renames it to server_name.state.backup before writing a new state file.
  4. Optional. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other servers.
    Alternatively, you can save the state of all the servers with one command. Click the Save icon in the cluster row.
  5. Stop the server processes.