Running the Postupgrade Script

After you upgrade an appliance to a new software release and the appliance reboots, you must run the postupgrade script, rundbm.

Note: If the postupgrade script is not run during the upgrade procedure, some of the parsed reports data might be lost. The affected report types are different from one LogLogic LMI version to another.


  1. Log in to the appliance via SSH, by using the toor user.
  2. Go to the CLI scripts directory:
    $ cd /loglogic/bin
  3. Run the postupgrade script:
    $ ./rundbm
    The configuration menu appears, as follows:
    Configuration Menu:
    1) Modify the above configuration
    2) Start the Post Upgrade Process
    3) Check system tables integrity
    4) Help
    5) Exit the Post Upgrade Process
    Enter choice:
  4. The modify configuration menu appears. The following example menu is typical:
    1) module_<version>_wwwlog
    2) module_<version>_i5OSAudit
    3) module_<version>_stats
    4) module_<version>_ids
    5) Return to Configuration Menu
    6) Help
    Enter 1-6:
    The menu items vary based on your appliance configuration. If there is no data to be converted, the menu might appear as follows:
    1) Return to Configuration Menu
    2) Help
    Enter 1-2:
  5. Change the number of days to preserve for any of these logs that should not be set to seven days. For example, for Blue Coat:
    1. Type 1.
    2. Specify if you want to change the default value. If you type y, enter the amount of preexisting BlueCoat/wwwlog data (in days) that you want accessible on the appliance after the upgrade. For example, if you want access to the past month’s Blue Coat data, enter 31.
The default setting is 7, which converts the previous week. The higher number of days you enter, the longer the post-upgrade process takes to complete. To preserve the ability to search on all log data collected from Blue Coat log sources, input a number of days to include the first collection of Blue Coat log information. 
After entering the number of days, the module configuration menu appears again.
  6. Repeat step 5 for each option.
  7. Type 5 to go back to Configuration Menu.
  8. Type 2 to start the postupgrade process.
    The conversion time for the postupgrade process depends on the amount of data to be migrated.
  9. After typing 2 to start the postupgrade process, the appliance returns you to the configuration menu immediately, with the additional option, Monitor the Post Upgrade Process — see choice 6) in Step 10.
  10. Type 6 to monitor the postupgrade process.
    The configuration menu appears:
    1) Modify the above configuration
    2) Start the Post Upgrade Process
    3) Check system tables integrity
    4) Help
    5) Exit the Post Upgrade Process
    6) Monitor the Post Upgrade Process

    By typing 6, you can monitor the postupgrade process. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

    The screen then returns to the configuration menu. When you see the following message during monitoring, the postupgrade process is complete.
    2019-02-11 20:10:37,818 - dbmLogger - INFO: ** All migrations complete!
  11. Type 3 to check the integrity of system tables.
    The configuration menu appears:
    1) Check stDataFiles integrity
    2) Return to Configuration Menu
    Enter 1 or 2:
    Type 1 to check the integrity of stDataFiles and check the console output. If there is any error or exception on the console output, follow the console instructions to check the log files and recover tables as per Recovering from Failed Migration.
  12. Type 5 to exit the postupgrade script.