Creating a User

On the Add User page, you can create a new user for a company.


  1. Log in to TIBCO MDM.
  2. Click Administration > User Accounts.
  3. On the User Accounts page, click Create.

  4. On the Add User page, enter different types of details in the following sections for the user being created:
    1. Add User: define basic details, such as the Username, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Password, and Partitioning Key.
      Note: The Username can accept the following special characters as a part of the name:

      * (asterisk)

      . (period)

      - (minus)

      @ (at)

      / (Forward Slash)

      \ (Backward Slash)

      These special characters are accepted when you enter the username while adding permissions, roles, users. These can be used when referring to the username in a dataset of a File Watcher and also while referring to the username in a workflow.

      Select the required Security Type from the drop-down list:

    • Password: User defined password.
    • LDAP: LDAP-based authentication where password is not stored within the application. If you choose the LDAP security type:

      The user must already exist in the LDAP directory server.

      Certain properties need to be configured using the Configurator. Refer to the TIBCO MDM System Administration for details. When this security type is selected, that user is searched in the existing user list of the LDAP directory server. If user is not found, an error is displayed otherwise user gets created for the selected company using this security type.

      If LDAP is selected as the security type, the Password fields do not get displayed as LDAP server does not require a password for authentication.

      Note: If LDAP authentication is selected while configuring the server, there are following 3 options available: None, Simple, and Strong. If the administrator selects None, the password is not authenticated but the user must type something in the Password field. If Simple or Strong is selected, the password typed in the login page is authenticated using the LDAP server.
    1. Roles: Each user in TIBCO MDM is assigned roles that control the user’s access and privileges. You can assign any user one or more predefined roles.
      • To assign a single role, select one from the Available Roles list and click ">" to move it to the Selected Roles list.
      • To assign multiple roles, press Ctrl and click roles from the Available Roles list and click '>' to move the selected multiple roles to the Selected Roles list.
      • To assign all roles, click ">>". All roles are moved to the Selected Roles list.
      An assigned role is no longer be available in the Available Roles list, once it has been assigned to the user.

      To know the available predefined roles, see Roles and for information on the access rights defined for each role, refer to User Role Matrix.

  1. Delegation Profile: specify the delegation profile of the user. You can forward work items assigned to you to another user. The users are available for selection depending on their roles and privileges. To activate the delegation profile, you need to specify how the delegation is activated and deactivated and whether to send notification when work is delegated.

    Using the delegation and reassignment feature, you can control delegation and reassignment of work items from one user to another.

    Delegation and reassignment is based on a list of specified user roles and their related access privileges. A delegation profile is used to limit the roles and users to whom work can be reassigned.

    For each organizational role, the TIBCO MDM administrator specifies which roles can be delegated by another role. When a user attempts to reassign a work item, the action is limited to a select list of user roles. Only users with the appropriate roles and access privileges are shown as possible candidates for the reassignment.

  2. Locale Settings: specify the locale setting details in the following fields:
  • Language and Country: Select the language and country.
  • Date Format: Select a date format from the drop-down list. The supported formats are:

    All date fields on the pages are displayed in the selected format for this user.

  • Time Format: Select a time format from the drop-down list. The supported formats are:

    hh:mm:ss (24 hours)

    hh:mm:ss AM/PM (12 hours)

    All time fields on the pages are displayed in the selected format for this user.

    Note: If you do not select the date or time format, the default format is selected from Configurator. By default, the MM/DD/YYYY and hh:mm:ss formats are specified for the Default Display Date Format and Default Display Time Format properties respectively. However, if you have specified the date or time format using UI, the selected date and time format take precedence over the application level configuration.
  • Timestamp Format: Select a timestamp format from the drop-down list. The supported formats are:

    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S – Time is displayed in 24 hours format with milliseconds. S indicates milliseconds.

    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM – Time is displayed in 12 hours format with milliseconds.

    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S z – Time is displayed in 24 hours format with milliseconds and time zone. Z indicates time zone. By default, the system time zone is displayed.

    YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S AM/PM z – Time is displayed in 12 hours format with milliseconds and time zone.

    Note: If you do not select the timestamp format, the default format is selected from Configurator. By default, the YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.S format is specified for the Default Display Timestamp Format property. However, if you select the timestamp format using UI, the selected timestamp format takes precedence over the value that is specified for the Default Display Timestamp Format property.
  • Time Zone: Select the time zone specific to your region from the drop-down list. If you do not select any time zone, the system time zone is applicable.
  1. User Defined Fields:
  • Show Record Attribute Help?: enter yes or no to activate the mouse over display of Help in the record add, modify, and copy pages. The default (if no data input is provided here) is to display the Help.

  1. Click Save to save user creation details.