Class: PublishAlertAction

LiveView.AlertRule. PublishAlertAction

new LiveView.AlertRule.PublishAlertAction(settings)

Action that will publish a LiveView Alert.
Name Type Description
settings Object optional An object containing initial values for the new PublishAlertAction instance.
Name Type Description
fieldSubstitutions Object optional A key-value map that maps a tuple field name to place holder string. For example "category":"$category".
messageTemplate String optional A message template that will be filled in using the values in the fieldSubstitutions map.
alertKey String optional A parametrized string identifier for the Alert.
alertRecipient String optional The username of an intended recipient of the alert. The default is "*" to indicate "anyone".




A parametrized string identifier for the Alert


The username of an intended recipient of the alert. The default is "*" to indicate "anyone".


Flag indicating whether or not the Action is enabled (i.e. currently being used to determine whether or not to fire alerts).


A key-value map of field name to place holder string. For example "category":"$category".


A message template that will be filled in using the values in the fieldSubstitutions map.