Class: Query

LiveView. Query

new LiveView.Query(query, parameters, includeInternal)

Object that represents a LiveView query. This object is used as a parameter when calling execute or subscribe. It stores the query string (in parameterized format) as well as the parameters to apply when invoking execute or subscribe.
Name Type Description
query String The optionally-parametrized query string
parameters Object optional A key-value map of parameters to use to compute the query string, if query is a parametrized string. Users are essentially free to define the key value used to identify a parameter as they wish. The query string is generated using regular expression substitution, so avoidance of regular expression special characters is recommended as it will likely cause unexpected behavior. The '@' character as a parameter prefix works well (e.g. {'@priceMin':100, '@lastUpdated':1415230518223}).
includeInternal boolean optional A flag indicating whether or not to include internal fields in (non-aggregate) query results.



A flag indicating whether or not to include internal fields in (non-aggregate) query results.


A key-value map of parameters to use to compute the query string, if query is a parametrized string. Users are essentially free to define the key value used to identify a parameter as they wish. The query string is generated using regular expression substitution, so avoidance of regular expression special characters is recommended as it will likely cause unexpected behavior. The '@' character as a parameter prefix works well (e.g. {'@priceMin':100, '@lastUpdated':1415230518223}).


The query string in parametrized form. For example: "Select * From ItemsSales Where lastSoldPrice > @minPrice"



Applies parameters to the query and returns the resulting query string. If this is not a parametrized query, this will be equivalent to the query field.
Type Description
String -- The parameter-applied query string


Formats the query string as required by the LiveView server.
Type Description
String -- The parameter-applied, server-formatted query string