Spotfire® Service for R Installation and Administration

Manage Java options

You can set certain Java command-line options for the Spotfire Service for R for managing such settings as the Java heap size.

Configuration property Default setting Description TRUE By default, when the JVM stops responding, it does not write full core dumps to the temp directory. Set this value to FALSE to enable full core dumps.
Note: Setting this value to FALSE can potentially cause the core dump to fill all available disk space. Use with caution.
javaOptions none In systems with a lot of memory, administrators might want to limit the initial or maximum heap size that Spotfire Service for R can use.
In the following example, the custom property sets the Java initial heap size to 1GB.
In the following example, the custom property sets the Java initial heap size to 2GB and the maximum heap size to 4GB.
Note: The javaOptions setting controls Java memory only, and does not control memory allocated in the R runtime. (Memory allocated by Java is typically very small, which makes it possible to set a very low value for the initial heap size, such as Xms64M.)

To include multiple java options, delimit the options with a comma and no space. The following examples demonstrate setting an empty property, setting one property, setting two properties, and setting three properties.

Note: The javaOptions property cannot contain spaces. For example, -Dfoo="foo bar" is not a valid property setting.

For other Java command line options, see the Java documentation.