Spotfire® Service for R Installation and Administration

Open-Source R, Spotfire Service for R, and Spotfire Statistics Services

Spotfire Analyst users can register R data functions and web client users can use the defined R data functions by accessing the Spotfire Service for R installed on the Spotfire Server.

Spotfire Service for R

The Spotfire Service for R is a licensed component of Spotfire® Statistics Services. It is provided to Spotfire Server customers as a component under Spotfire Statistics Services in eDelivery.
Note: Previously, if data function developers wanted to use the R engine, server administrators needed to configure the Spotfire® Statistics Services service to use that engine to produce data functions, expressions, or other advanced analytics. Now, you can just install and configure the Spotfire Service for R. Spotfire Analyst users do not need to change the configuration; if a Spotfire Service for R is found on the server, it is used.

To use the Spotfire Service for R, system administrators must manually install R on the node where the Spotfire Service for R is installed.

Note: Open-source R (R) is available under separate open source software license terms and is not part of the Spotfire Service for R. As such, R is not within the scope of your license for the Spotfire Service for R. R is not supported, maintained, or warranted in any way by Cloud Software Group, Inc. Download and use of R is solely at your own discretion and subject to the free open source license terms applicable to R.

Spotfire Analyst authors can create data functions that use R, and then share them with Spotfire web client users. To use the Spotfire Service for R, its distribution (SDN) must be installed on a node for the Spotfire Server. At this time, no local installation of the Spotfire Service for R for Spotfire Analyst users is provided.

Spotfire Statistics Services

If data functions or custom expressions have been created using R, and if you have the Spotfire Service for R installed and deployed on a node for Spotfire Server, then Spotfire always uses the Spotfire Service for R, even if the analyst supplies a custom URL, and you have a Spotfire Statistics Services server configured to use R deployed in your environment. Spotfire disregards the custom URL for all analyses that use the R engine. This behavior provides both backwards compatibility with existing Spotfire Statistics Services plus R installations, and makes migration to the Spotfire Service for R easier.