Migration Guide for TIBCO Spotfire® Statistics Services Server to Spotfire® Statistics Services

Continued usage of Spotfire Statistics Services

The previously available TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server has been replaced with the functionality provided by the data function services, which continues to support data functions in Spotfire. There will be no further new versions of the TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server and it will eventually be removed. The latest LTS version, version 12.0, continues to receive bug fixes or security patches until End of Support is announced, but you should migrate your system to use the services instead of the discontinued server as soon as possible.

The license for Spotfire Statistics Services covers the use of any combination of the following products.

This guide is provided to help you migrate from the discontinued server to the services. The services provide the capability to run Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R (a/k/a TERR) or R data functions and scripts on a Spotfire Server node.

Your Spotfire Statistics Services license also provides access to the Spotfire Service for Python; a service that runs Python data functions on a Spotfire Server node.

Note: The system requirements for the discontinued TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server are different from the system requirements of the services. Review the system requirements for the service corresponding to your data function language (R or TERR).

If your users' data functions or custom expressions have been created using R or TERR, and you have installed, deployed, and configured the service on a node of the Spotfire Server, then the data functions are run using the related service, even if you have the TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server installed, and even if client users' configurations specify a URL for the TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server. As long as the service is installed and configured correctly, and can be found by the data functions, then that service is used.

Note: The TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server does not log warnings from data functions (when the debug function is switched off), but the services will return warnings. You can change the configuration to disable warnings in the latest supported versions of the data function services, if desired. See the Spotfire Service for R and the Spotfire Enterprise Runtime for R – Server Edition documentation for details.
Note: If you are using data functions with MATLAB or SAS in the 12.0.x long-term support (LTS) version of TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services, then your license includes continued use of the server, with either Spotfire 12 (LTS version) or Spotfire 14 (LTS version), as long as TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services server 12.0.x (LTS version) is in support. Support for the 12.0.x LTS version is expected to end about 2 years after release—around September of 2024—and after that time, no updates or security fixes will be provided. See Overview of Spotfire Releases - Innovation and LTS (Long-Term Support). At this time, no services specifically designed for use with MATLAB or SAS are available. You can vote to add services for these two engines in the Ideas portal:

The Spotfire® Service for Statistica® is a separate product and is not affected by this change.