Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Changing a property default value

You can change the default value for most data table or column properties from the Data tables overview in the data canvas. List-valued properties created in the text area and properties of the data type Binary cannot be edited.

About this task

If you change the default value, it will change both the value for new data tables or columns and already created data tables or columns that are currently using the old default value.
Note: Most property types allow you to change the default value and the description. If other settings are wrong, you must delete the property and create a new one instead.

To change the property value for a specific column or data table, see Editing data table or column property values instead.

Before you begin

You are an analyst or business author with the Manage Data Tables license feature. If an analysis is open, it must be in Editing mode.


  1. On the authoring bar, click Data canvas .
  2. If the data canvas sidebar is collapsed, click Show the data canvas sidebar .
  3. In the data canvas sidebar, click Data tables.
  4. Choose which type of default value to update by going to the corresponding tab, Data table properties or Column properties.
  5. Locate the property to edit in the list and click to select the row for the property.
    Tip: Use the search field if you have many properties.
  6. Click Edit above the table.
  7. Update the Description.
  8. Make sure that Use default value is selected and enter the new default value.
  9. Click OK.