Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Editing data table or column property values

You can edit the value of a property for a specific column or data table in the lower right part data canvas. Editing is possible for properties that you have created yourself, as well as for some properties that are automatically added to the analysis (such as the name or the description of a column or data table).

Before you begin

You are an analyst or business author with the Manage Data Tables license feature. An analysis must be open and it must be in Editing mode.

About this task

Data table and column properties can have default values. If a default value has been defined, then the default value for the data table or column will be used unless a specific value has been defined, as described below.

Note: You can change the default value (as well as the description of the property) for a data table or column property from the Data tables overview in the data canvas sidebar. See Changing a property default value for more information. If you change the default value, it will change both the value for new data tables or columns and already created data tables or columns that are currently using the old default value. If other settings are wrong, you must delete the property and create a new one instead.
Tip: In the installed client, you can often edit the value of a property in the places where you can use them. For example, you can edit properties by right-clicking in the Available properties for column list in the expression dialogs.


  1. On the authoring bar, click Data canvas .
  2. Make sure the data table of interest is selected in the data canvas and choose which type of custom property to edit by going to the corresponding tab in the lower right part of the data canvas, Data table properties or Column properties.
  3. Click on the final node in the graphical structure.
    Note: You can only edit data table or column properties on the final node (representing the data table used in the analysis). If you look at data table or column properties for earlier nodes in the data source tree, all values are read-only.
  4. Click the switch next to Edit properties to enter the edit mode.
  5. If you are editing column properties, you must select which column to update the property for using the Edit property values for the column drop-down list.
    Tip: You can search for a column name, or a part of a column name, by typing directly in the column selector.
  6. Double-click the property to update in the list, or click to select the property and then click Edit above the table.
    Tip: Use the search field to search for the property name.
  7. In the Edit property value dialog, make sure the Specify a value check box is selected, and type the value you want to use in the field below. For string values, you can use an empty string.
  8. Click OK.


The value of the column or data table property is updated for the selected column or data table.

Changing the link template for hyperlinks in a table visualization

Using the installed client, it is possible to show the text in a table visualization as clickable hyperlinks by setting the renderer for a column to Link renderer. A template in column properties provides a default suggestion for the link renderer. The default template is http://{$}/, where {$} represents the value from the table cell.

You can change the link template for a specific column using the following steps:

  1. On the authoring bar, click Data canvas .
  2. Make sure the data table of interest is selected in the data canvas.
  3. Click to select the final data table node (to the right in the graphical structure) and then click on the Column properties tab in the lower right part of the data canvas.
  4. Locate the column of interest by typing the column name in the list, or by browsing the list.
  5. Locate the LinkTemplate property (for example, using search) and click to select it.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Make sure Specify a value is selected and type a new template for the format of the links.

    For example, https://www.{$}.com.

  8. Click OK.
Tip: If you want to change link renderer settings for the whole application instead of just for a single column, this can be specified using the installed client under Tools > Options > Application > Renderer Settings > Add > Add Default Renderer.