Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Marking items

You can mark items in a visualization to view details for the items or to clarify connections between visualizations. Marking, for example, a pie sector or a bar is equivalent to marking all the data rows that are included in that pie sector or bar.

The following actions result in marked items:
  • Click an item

    – marks the item and unmarks previously marked items

  • Press Ctrl + click an item

    – adds or subtracts items from the marked set of rows

  • Drag a rectangle
    – marks all items within the rectangle and unmarks all other items
    Marking by dragging rectangle
  • Press Ctrl + drag rectangle

    – adds items within the rectangle that are not already marked to marked items

  • Press Alt + draw a shape of any form (lasso marking)
    – marks all items within the shape
    Lasso marking
  • Press Ctrl + Alt + draw a shape of any form

    – toggles items within the shape to the opposite of marked/unmarked

  • Click the scale label area and drag along any of the axes
    – marks all items between the two axis values
    Mark dragging along axis
    Note: Marking along the Y-axis in the bar chart is slightly different than normal rectangle marking; Only those bars with the top part of the bar included within the axis marking rectangle will be marked. This allows you to select bars with heights within a specific span.