Guia do Usuário do Cliente Web Spotfire®

Pinning data functions to the f(x) flyout

The f(x) flyout is used to provide easy access to commonly used data functions. As an analyst or a business author user with the Pin Data Functions and the f(x) Flyout license feature (under Spotfire Advanced Analytics), you can pin your own selection of data functions from the library to the flyout. An administrator can predefine selected data functions using a preference.

Before you begin

You are an analyst or business author user with the Pin Data Functions license feature. If an analysis is open, it must be in Editing mode.


  1. In the f(x) flyout, click the menu at the top right of the flyout and select Find items in the library.

    A search is performed against the library to show all available data functions that you can pin to the flyout (type::datafunction).
  2. If desired, you can add more information to the search expression, for example, the first letter in the name of the data function you are looking for.
    See Searching the library for more information.
  3. When you have located the data function of interest, click the menu next to the data function and select Pin to f(x).
    The data function is pinned to the flyout. You can also pin and unpin data functions when searching the library for data functions in the Files and data flyout , either using the menu, in the details, or, using right-click.

    See also Unpinning data functions from the f(x) flyout.

Pinning data functions to the f(x) flyout using administrator preferences

As an administrator with access to the Administration Manager, you can pin data functions and help users in different groups finding their tools.

Before you begin

You are administrator with access to the installed Spotfire client.


  1. As an administrator, follow the steps above to pin or unpin data functions from your current f(x) flyout, so that the selection of data functions in your flyout is as you want it to be for the group.
  2. When you are satisfied, in the f(x) flyout, click the menu at the top right of the flyout and select Copy info about pinned items to clipboard.

    This action copies the current layout of the f(x) flyout to the clipboard in a format that is directly suited to be paste into the preference as described in the next steps.
  3. In the installed client, click Tools > Administration manager and go to the Preferences tab.
  4. Expand DataFunctions, click DataFunctionsPreferences and, next to PinnedFunctionDefinitions, paste the previously copied string.
    See the Administration Manager help for more information about preferences.
  5. Select the group for which to change the preferences and, in the lower right part of the Administration Manager, click Edit.
  6. Click OK and Close the Administration Manager.