Editing a Configuration of an Action in an Action Mod

If an action in an action mod is used anywhere in your analysis, for example on a trigger in a visualization or in an action control in a text area, a configuration has been created for that action. A configuration could also have been created as part of performing a test run of an action. You can see which usages and configurations that exist for an action in the Actions flyout. You can edit an action configuration from the Actions flyout using any client.

To edit a configuration of an action in an action mod:

  1. On the authoring bar, click Actions to open the flyout.

  2. Locate the action, click options , and select View details.

  3. Open the Usage tab of the details view.

  4. Hover over the configuration you want to edit, and click .

  5. Make your changes to the parameters in the flyout, then click Done. For information on the available options for the parameters, see Options for Action Parameters.

  6. Response: The configuration is updated and will be applied when using any trigger associated with this action configuration in the analysis.

See also:

The Actions Flyout