Replacing Data Overview

There are several different methods you can use to replace data in Spotfire. If linking the data to the source is not enough, you can select to replace a data source within a data table, or, to replace the entire data table. You can also replace the values in a column using a transformation, or a single value within a column using one of the Replace Value-options.

Reload a linked source

The easiest form of replacing your data is to use linked data in your analysis. Linked data can be configured to always use new data when the analysis is opened, and  you can reload it from the data canvas at any time. This is, most of the times, the preferred option when you want fresh data from the source at all times.

Replace data table

If you select to replace a data table, the operation will replace everything, including all sources within that data table. All previously added transformations, added columns or rows from other sources, deleted rows, or replaced values, will be lost. Calculated columns and inserted hierarchies will remain, though, because they are applied on the final data table.

Use the Replace Data Table option to switch to completely different data, or to switch the type of data table from an in-db table to an imported table, or vice versa, which is not possible when replacing the data source only.

Replace data source

Replacing a data source only replaces that particular data source, but keeps the other parts of the data table intact. That means that all transformations, calculations, added rows or columns, and operations that were used to build the final data table (all steps between the first added data source and the final data table in the source view of the data canvas) are kept as is.

Use Replace Data Source to switch from a test database to a production database, or when your data remains exactly the same but is moved from one type of data source to another.

Calculate and replace column

Use the “Calculate and replace column” transformation to modify a column using an expression before you use it in your analysis. For example, to remove a part of a string that is not needed.

Replace value

Use 'Replace value' to change a value on a specific row, or a misspelled value in all rows of a column.

See also:

Embedded or Linked Data?

Replacing a Data Table

Replacing a Data Source

Transforming Data

Replacing a Value