Sidebar menu
To see the sidebar menu, in the app, tap the three-line menu icon
Task | Menu item or task |
Preview and select to view an analysis that you have added to Favorites view. | Favorites |
Preview and select to view an analysis that you have previously viewed in the app. The most recently viewed analyses appear at the beginning of the collection. | Recently Viewed |
Preview and select to view an analysis provided by Spotfire that is designed specifically for mobile devices. | Examples |
Add a connection to TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire® | See Adding a TIBCO Cloud™ Spotfire® account. |
Add a connection to a Spotfire Server. | See Adding a connection to a Spotfire Server. |
Change the properties for a connection you added to a Spotfire Server. | |
Open and view analyses that are stored on TIBCO Cloud Spotfire. | TIBCO Cloud |
Change one of the app settings.
Note: For information on changing the
settings that you control from within the app, see
Settings |
Find help for the app. | Help |