Configure a Kerberos-Enabled Hadoop Data Source
Team Studio can support a Hadoop cluster set up for Kerberos authentication.
Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that provides two-way mutual authentication: Both the user and the server verify each other's identity. If an existing Hadoop cluster has Kerberos authentication set up, Team Studio must be configured to authenticate with the Kerberos service.
Your Hadoop cluster should be properly configured with Kerberos.
- The machine should be running a Linux operating system with Kerberos installed.
- The Linux user running Team Studio should be able to authenticate with Kerberos using a local key tab file.
- JCE should be installed on each node. To get a copy of the extension, see for JDK 6 or for JDK 7.
- The files should be copied to $JRE_HOME/lib/security.
- Kerberos Authentication Integration Steps
The procedures for integrating with Kerberos authentication depend on the Team Studio version installed and the upgrade plan.
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