StreamBase 10.4.4 Release Notes

These were the release notes for the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams 10.4.4.

New Features

TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams 10.4.4 adds the following updates and new features:

New OPC UA Adapter Suite Added

The TIBCO StreamBase® Adapter for OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) allows StreamBase to interact with data from an OPC UA infrastructure. The adapters in this set are only available for Microsoft Windows platforms and include:

  • The OPC UA Control adapter, which is used to control the connection with the OPC UA server (connection, disconnection, server status, and so on).

  • The OPC UA Reader adapter, which is used to retrieve values from OPC UA Variable nodes.

  • The OPC UA Writer adapter, which is used to write values to OPC UA Variable nodes.

  • The OPC UA Subscriber adapter, which is used to subscribe to Variable nodes and get continuous updates when the nodes' values change.

  • The OPC UA Browser adapter, which is used to traverse the OPC UA server's node hierarchy and retrieve metadata for these nodes.

See this sample page for a demonstration of these adapters.

New rebalance availabilityzone Command Option Added

The epadmin rebalance availabilityzone command now includes a new option, wait. When set to true, the command only returns when availability zone rebalancing is completed.

ActiveSpaces Operators New Features

The ActiveSpaces operators now support configuration for backup TIBCO FTL realm servers. See this page for operator configuration details.

The operators now provide a datagrid-id configuration element that supports the multiple data grid feature of ActiveSpaces 4.

Oracle CDC LogMiner Adapters Now Work With non-CDB Databases

The Oracle CDC LogMiner adapters now work with non-multitenant container databases (CDB). See the LogMiner Connection Adapter and LogMiner Parser Adapter page for configuration details.

Oracle JDK Version Updated

The Oracle JDK version bundled with StreamBase and Live Datamart is now JDK 1.8.0_u212.

ep-maven Plugin Now Supports Running Browse Services

The ep-maven plugin now supports running browse services in the administer-nodes goal. This change allows calling browse services from system test cases that use the Maven plugin.

Edit Module Import Dialog Improved

Edit Module Import dialog improvements include a larger default dialog size, and the All importable items option is now the default. The Importing Resources from One Module to Another page was updated for to provide a StreamBase 10 focus.

Changes in Functionality

This release includes the following changes in functionality:

FTL Adapter Library Support Updated

The TIBCO FTL adapters now support FTL library 5.0 and higher as well as 6.x.

Artifact Command Support For Multiple Registrations Now Enhanced

The epadmin register artifact command was updated to support deploying a new version of an artifact — even when there are multiple registrations for the artifact type. The artifact name is now used to choose the artifact registration being updated by the command.

Kafka Adapter Now Changed for Null Offset and Null Time Configuration

The Kafka Consumer Adapter was changed so that null offset and null time now mean "do not perform a seek operation" on startup. Instead, the adapter simply connects and allows the default operation occur. See this page for adapter configuration details.

Documentation Updates

This release includes the following updates and corrections to the documentation:

Time Zone Information Updated

All expression language descriptions in the Simple Functions: Timestamp Overview section of the StreamBase Expression Language Functions page were reviewed and updated to modernize the discussion of time zone settings, using the newest canonical zone string information shown in references such as Wikipedia's List of tz Database Time Zones. The Specifying Time Zones section of the Data Types page was similarly updated.

Function Data Type Redocumented

Documentation for the function data type was consolidated into a single new page in the Authoring Guide, then reworked and expanded. Sections about function in the Data Types and Expression Language Features pages were reduced to introductory material that point to the new page. The Function Data Type sample was also reworked to support the new documentation.

System Control Stream's CLUSTER Subsystem Documented

Documentation for the system container was consolidated into a single page, then reworked and expanded, adding the CLUSTER subsystem of the system.control stream. The Container Overview page was reworked for StreamBase 10.

Custom Function Documentation Reworked

For the previous 10.4.3 release, documentation in the StreamBaseEngine root object for its streamBase>pluginFunctions object was updated and clarified. For this 10.4.4 release, that documentation was corrected and updated again, and now includes a table of differences to help you port your configuration settings from release 10.4.2 or earlier.

Iterate Operator Page Rewritten

The Authoring Guide's page for the Iterate Operator was substantially rewritten for clarity, this time providing examples.

Deprecated and Removed Features

StreamBase 10.4.4 includes the following deprecations.

Spark Model Operator Deprecated

The TIBCO StreamBase® Operator for Spark/MLlib Model Evaluator is now deprecated and is expected to be removed in a future release.

pluginFunctions HOCON object

The pluginFunctions object in the StreamBaseEngine root object is now deprecated. An upcoming release is expected to provide a new root object in the sbengine HOCON type in order to register custom Java functions and function aliases.

Migration and Compatibility

Not applicable.

StreamBase Resolved Issues

This section provides a list of errors corrected in release 10.4.4 of the TIBCO StreamBase® component of TIBCO® Spotfire Data Streams.

Fixed in 10.4.4
Number Resolution
TIBCO StreamBase® 10.4.4 incorporates all fixes resolved in the release 7.7 series through 7.7.7.
SB‑46838 The Oracle CDC LogMiner adapters longer generate an NPE when a date column is assigned a null value.
SB‑46806, SB‑46803 The Artifact Distribution Service (ADS) was incorrectly registering artifacts more than once. The epadmin register artifact command was updated to no longer invoke the operator's artifact notifier if the operator is already using the artifact being registered.
SB‑46776 Restarting a node failed when the Distributed Router operator was used in modules with partition-based routing. This was resolved.
SB‑46766 SBHPFIX dictionaries were inadvertently omitted from Windows and Linux versions of StreamBase in a previous release. This was fixed.
SB‑46656 The strptime() expression language function was not correctly handling invalid time zone strings. This was fixed.
SB‑46648 OSI PI adapters now correctly mask the password field and also decipher encoded passwords.
SB‑46646 A problem with timestamps for start-of-day log messages was resolved.
SB‑46632 Previously, Studio's typecheck environment would not update when HOCON configuration files were moved. This was resolved.
SB‑46539 In rare situations, rebalancing of partitions would fail to complete. This was resolved.
SB‑46519, CQS‑4810 StreamBase expressions with arbitrary parenthetical nodes are correctly parsed and compiled. However, in some LiveQL query expressions, parts of the query are returned to their string form for additional processing. In some cases, the string form of the expression would be properly formed but have incorrect parentheses which could deliver unexpected results. This was corrected.
SB‑46471 The Distributed Router adapter was fixed to correctly handle capture fields.
SB‑46419 In some scenarios, a partitioned query table using a named schema would would fail typecheck. This was fixed.
SB‑46103 A PersistenceAdapter error would occur at startup when a Query Table in a submodule is referenced by a top-level module. This was resolved in Release 10.4.3.
SB‑45789 Previously, when replacing an Artifact Distribution Service (ADS) configuration, no audit of the new configuration version would occur. Now, it does.