Class DataInputPortConfig

  • public final class DataInputPortConfig
    extends DataInputOutputPortConfig

    A class describing a data input port. Enhances common input/output port configuration with an optional tuple schema. Constructs only from HOCON, since data input/output block configurations are only produced from HOCON.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataInputPortConfig

        public DataInputPortConfig()

        Create a new empty port configuration.

      • DataInputPortConfig

        public DataInputPortConfig​(com.typesafe.config.Config config,
                                   TupleSchemaFactory tupleSchemaFactory,
                                   FlowValidationProblemList problems)

        Create a new port from the specified HOCON configuration.

        config - source HOCON configuration
        tupleSchemaFactory - tuple schema factory, used to create EventFlow tuple schemas from HOCON in the supplied configuration
        problems - any validation problems encountered while creating an input port EventFlow tuple schema are added to this list