Home > Tools > Information Designer > Information Links > Editing Information Links > Creating an Information Link
Information Designer allows you to create information links. The building blocks are column-, filter- and procedure elements that have been set up by you or the database administrator.
To create an information link:
Click New and select Information Link.
Response: An Information Link tab is opened.
In the Elements tree, select the column or filter element that you want to include. You can also include procedures.
Comment: If the Elements tree is not visible in the left-hand pane, click on the Elements tab to display it. Click the + symbol to expand a folder. You can select multiple elements simultaneously by pressing Ctrl and clicking on the elements of interest, or by pressing Shift and clicking on the first and last element in a list.
Click Add >.
Response: The selected element is added to the Elements list on the Information Link tab.
Comment: To remove an item from the information link, select the item and click < Remove.
If the selected elements come from more than one data source table, you need to specify a Join path. This means that you must create all joins needed to link all data tables together and you must also specify these in the Join path section on the Information Link tab.
In the Description field, type some text describing the purpose of the information link. This is optional.
If you want to filter the data, open the Filters section and follow the instructions under Adding Hard Filters.
If you want to add prompts (run-time filtering), open the Prompts section and follow the instructions under Adding Prompts.
Optionally, you can also choose to specify any Conditioning, Parameters or Properties that are needed for your information link. You can also specify whether or not the information link should be cacheable. See Information Link Tab for more information and links.
Click Save.
Response: The Save As dialog appears.
In the folder tree, select where you want the information link to be saved.
In the Name field, type a name for the information link.
Click Save.
Response: The new information link is added to the library. It can now be accessed by other users.
Tip: You can test the information link directly by clicking on Open Data.
Tip: You can view and edit the SQL behind the information link by clicking SQL....
See also: