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Pop-up Menus


This pop-up menu is reached by right-clicking on an element in the Elements tree:



Open Data

[Only available when right-clicking on an information link.]

Imports data into TIBCO Spotfire.


Opens the tab used to edit the selected element (Information Link, Join, Column, Filter, Procedure or Data source).

Edit Properties...

Opens the Edit Properties dialog where you can change the name and description of the selected item. You can also add keywords for improving the chances of finding the correct elements when searching the library.

New >

[Only available when right-clicking on a folder.]

Provides a shortcut entry to the Create Element options, opening a new tab were the new element can be specified.


Removes the selected element from the library.


Refreshes the content of the currently selected folder.

Refresh All

Refreshes the entire tree.

Find All References

[Only available when right-clicking on a column, filter, procedure or join element.]

Opens a Find Results tab where all references to the selected element are listed. (For example, all information links where a certain column element is included.)


Validates the content of the selected element and opens a Validation Result dialog or a tab with information about errors and/or warnings.

Copy ID

Copies the GUID of the selected element to the clipboard.

Folder Permissions...

[Only available when right-clicking on a folder.]

Opens the Folder Permissions dialog where you can change the permissions for all users or groups to the selected folder.

Data Sources:

This pop-up menu is reached by right-clicking in the Data sources tree or on a data source in the Elements tree:




Opens the tab used to edit the selected data source.

Edit Properties...

[Only available when right-clicking on a data source.]

Opens the Edit Properties dialog where you can change the name and description of the selected data source. You can also add keywords describing the data source.

Create Default Information Model...

Allows you to specify a location and automatically create a default set of elements and information links based on the selected data source, catalog, schema or table. See also Details on Create Default Information Model.

Create Column Elements

[Only available when right-clicking on a table.]

Opens a Multiple Column Elements tab with the content of the table already added to the Source columns list.

Create Table Alias

[Only available when right-clicking on a table.]

Opens a dialog where you can specify a name for the table alias and appends a copy of the selected table to the data source. See Creating a Table Alias for more information.


[Only available when right-clicking on a data source or a table alias.]

Removes the selected data source or table alias from the library.


Refreshes the content of the currently selected instance.

Refresh All

Refreshes the entire Data sources tree.

Find All References

Opens a Find Results tab where all references to the selected instance are listed. (For example, all elements referring to a column from a certain database table.)


[Only available when right-clicking on a data source.]

Validates the content of the selected data source and opens a Validation Result dialog or a tab with information about errors and/or warnings.

Copy ID

[Only available when right-clicking on a data source.]

Copies the GUID of the selected data source to the clipboard.

Tab titles:

This pop-up menu is reached by right-clicking on the tab title of the Start tab or any other open tabs on the right-hand side of Information Designer.




Closes the currently active tab.

Close All but This

Closes all tabs except the currently active tab and the Start tab.

Locate in Tree

Locates the currently active tab in the Elements tree.

[Titles of open tabs]

Allows you to quickly navigate to any of the currently open tabs.

See also:

Elements Tree

Icon Explanations