Home > Data > Loading Data > Open File > Opening a SAS File

Opening a SAS File

Note: To be able to open SAS data files (*.sas7bdat) directly into TIBCO Spotfire, the SAS Providers for OLE DB 9.1.3 or later must first be installed on the client machine (see http://support.spotfire.com/sr.asp for more information). *.sd7 files can also be opened provided that they first are renamed to *.sas7bdat.

  1. Click on the Open button on the toolbar, or select File > Open....

  2. Browse to the SAS file of interest and click Open.

  3. Select the columns to import by clicking on them in the Available columns list and then click Add >.

    Comment: To select all columns click Add All. For multiple selection, press Ctrl and click on the desired columns.

  4. Select whether you want to Map data to TIBCO Spotfire compatible types or not.

  5. Select whether you want to Use Description as column name once imported into TIBCO Spotfire.

    Comment: For detailed information about the various settings, see SAS Data Import.

  6. Click OK.

    Comment: For information about adding more data tables to the analysis, see How to Insert Multiple Data Tables to the Analysis.

See also:

Opening an Analysis File

Opening a Text File

Opening an Excel File

Opening Files from the Library

Opening an Information Link

Opening Data from a Database