Home > Data > Loading Data > Open from Library > Opening Information Links
Information links are predefined database queries, specifying the columns to be loaded, and any filters needed to reduce the size of the data table prior to visualization. They are organized into different folders in the library. Which folders in the library are available to you depends on how your permissions have been set by the administrator. Information links are defined using Tools > Information Designer.
To open an information link:
Select File > Open From > Library....
Navigate through the folders, and select the information link you want to open.
Response: Information about the information link is displayed to the right of the list of folders and files.
Comment: Which Library folders you have access to is controlled by group privileges. Contact your Spotfire administrator if you cannot reach all the necessary data.
Comment: To limit the amount of items shown in the list, you can select Information Link from the Show items of type drop-down.
Click Open.
Response: The information link is opened in Spotfire. If the information link contains prompted steps, you have to respond to these first.
Note: You can also search for an item in the library by entering its name, or part of the name in the search field in the upper right corner in the dialog, and then pressing enter. All the files, information links and folders matching your search string will then be listed. See Searching the Library for detailed information about library search.
See also:
Opening Files from the Library