Home > Data > Loading Data > Add Data Tables > Open Database > Opening Data from a Database
It is recommended to use a data connection or an information link to retrieve your data rather than the data provider access described below. See Open from Database Overview for some tips on what connections to use.
Select File > Add Data Tables and click Add > Database....
Response: The Open Database dialog is displayed.
Click to select SqlClient Data Provider as Data source type.
Click Configure....
Response: The Configure Data Source Connection dialog is displayed.
Enter the SQL server name.
Specify whether to Use Windows Authentication or Use SQL Server Authentication.
If you are using SQL Server Authentication, type a Username and Password in the fields provided.
If you want to connect to a remote database, Select or enter a database name.
Comment: Select a database from the drop-down list or type the name in the field.
If you instead have a local database file you want to connect to, select Attach to database file, and Browse for the local file. Type a logical name to associate with the database file.
Click OK.
Response: The Specify Tables and Columns dialog is displayed.
Select the Tables, views and columns you wish to import.
Comment: If desired you can edit the SQL statement directly, or load a previously saved SQL file with a more complex SQL statement.
Click OK.
Response: Data is loaded into Spotfire.
To open data using OLE DB:
Note: UDL files can be opened directly using File > Open....
Select File > Add Data Tables and click Add > Database....
Response: The Open Database dialog is displayed.
Click to select OleDb Data Provider as Data source type.
Click Configure....
Response: The Configure Data Source Connection dialog is displayed.
Type or paste a connection line.
Comment: This should normally be provided by your database administrator.
Click OK.
Response: The Connection string field in the Open Database dialog is updated with the information entered in the previous step.
Click OK.
Response: The Specify Tables and Columns dialog is displayed.
Select the Tables, views and columns you wish to import.
Comment: If desired you can edit the SQL statement directly, or load a previously saved SQL file with a more complex SQL statement.
Click OK.
Response: Data is loaded into Spotfire.
To open data using ODBC:
Note: To learn how to set up a data source, please refer to the database vendor's documentation and the Windows documentation on ODBC. It might be necessary to install ODBC driver software particular to the database used before being able to utilize the ODBC option.
Select File > Add Data Tables and click Add > Database....
Response: The Open Database dialog is displayed.
Click to select Odbc Data Provider as Data source type.
Click Configure....
Response: The Configure Data Source Connection dialog is displayed.
Select a System or user data source name from the drop-down list.
Comment: The data sources available here are the ones previously defined in Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator, found under Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). Contact your database administrator if you are missing any information.
If the data source is password protected, type a Username and Password in the fields provided.
Click OK.
Response: The Connection string field in the Open Database dialog is updated with the information entered in the previous step.
Click OK.
Response: The Specify Tables and Columns dialog is displayed.
Select the Tables, views and columns you wish to import.
Comment: If desired you can edit the SQL statement directly, or load a previously saved SQL file with a more complex SQL statement.
Click OK.
Response: Data is loaded into Spotfire.
Note: To be able to use the OracleClient data provider, you need to have Oracle Client installed on your computer.
Select File > Add Data Tables and click Add > Database....
Response: The Open Database dialog is displayed.
Click to select OracleClient Data Provider as Data source type.
Click Configure....
Response: The Configure Data Source Connection dialog is displayed.
Type or paste the Oracle server name.
If the data source is password protected, type a Username and Password in the fields provided.
Click OK.
Response: The Connection string field in the Open Database dialog is updated with the information entered in the previous step.
Click OK.
Response: The Specify Tables and Columns dialog is displayed.
Select the Tables, views and columns you wish to import.
Comment: If desired you can edit the SQL statement directly, or load a previously saved SQL file with a more complex SQL statement.
Click OK.
Response: Data is loaded into Spotfire.
See also:
Opening Files from the Library