Designing Spotfire® Analytics for Small-Screen Display

Design a dashboard for mobile users

To provide the best small-screen mobile experience with Spotfire, design a dashboard to use visualizations that work well on a small screen, limit the controls, and provide a guided experience.

Spotfire provides a mobile application in the iTunes store that is customized for a mobile experience. However, if you plan to share Spotfire dashboards from the Spotfire® Web Player, and you expect users to be able to view it in a web browser on a small-screen mobile device (a cell phone), then you should take special care to design the dashboard for a small screen.

A typical Spotfire analysis viewed on a desktop might look like the following.

Typical Spotfire Analyst desktop

Three screens of the same analysis, presented for a guided mobile experience, might look like the following.

phone start screenphone screen selectedphone image for income and top holders