TIBCO Spotfire® Automation Services User's Guide

Adding SMTP settings to the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file

When you add the Send Email task to a Spotfire Automation Services job, you must also manually add the SMTP settings to the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file and assign the new configuration to a service running Automation Services.

Before you begin

You must have administrative credentials for Spotfire Server.


  1. On the computer running Spotfire Server, open a command line as an administrator and change the directory to the location of the config.bat file (config.sh on Linux). The default location is <server installation directory>\tomcat\spotfire-bin.
  2. On the command line, export the service configuration that you want to modify from Spotfire Server by using the export-service-config command. Specify the service's capability and the deployment area, and optionally the configuration name.
    Note: By default, all new services receive a "Default" configuration. The properties of the default configuration cannot be changed, but you can edit the configuration files and save the resulting configuration with a new name.
    Important: If you are editing a service configuration that has been applied to an existing service, you must verify the name of the active service configuration before you export it. If the name of the active configuration is not "Default", you must specify the name in the export command. To find the name of the active service configuration, see "Viewing the name of the active service configuration" in the Spotfire Server help.
    Example for exporting the "Default" Spotfire Automation Services configuration that is in the Production deployment area:
    config export-service-config --capability=AUTOMATION_SERVICES --deployment-area=Production
    Example for exporting a customized configuration:
    config export-service-config --capability=AUTOMATION_SERVICES --deployment-area=Production --config-name=AutomationServicesConfiguration
    The configuration files are exported. By default, these files are saved to the <server installation directory>\tomcat\spotfire-bin\config\root directory.
  3. Open the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file in a text editor or XML editor, and locate the following section:
          <!-- SMTP Host for Email Notification -->
          <add name="Spotfire.Automation.SendMail.SMTPHost" value="smtp.company.com" />
          <!-- From Address for Email Notification -->
          <add name="Spotfire.Automation.SendMail.FromAddress" value="TsasService@company.com" />
          <!-- Timeout (seconds) for the library import operation for the Import Library task -->
          <add name="Spotfire.Automation.LibraryImport.TimeoutInSeconds" value="300" />
          <!-- Timeout (seconds) for the library export operation for the Export Library task -->
          <add name="Spotfire.Automation.LibraryExport.TimeoutInSeconds" value="300" />
  4. Edit the following two settings:
    • Replace the value of Spotfire.Automation.SendMail.SMTPHost with the SMTP host for email notification.
    • Replace the value of Spotfire.Automation.SendMail.FromAddress with the From address for email notification.
    Note: For information on other Automation Services settings that you can configure, see the topic "Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config" in the Spotfire Server help.
  5. On the command line, import the customized configuration file back into Spotfire Server and name the configuration by using the import-service-config command.
    Note: If the configuration to be imported was created from the default configuration, a new name must be specified.
    Important: Importing customized configuration files without the --config-name parameter overrides the default configuration.
    config import-service-config --config-name=ServiceConfiguration
  6. Optional: On the command line, assign the created configuration to an existing Automation Services service:
    config set-service-config --service-id=value --config-name=ServiceConfiguration
    Tip: Use the list-services command to obtain the service ID.
    Note: Alternatively to step 6, you can assign the new configuration to a service by editing the service in the Nodes & Services section of the server's administration interface .