TIBCO Spotfire® Automation Services User's Guide

Send Email

A job can be set up to send an email to a number of recipients when it is executed.

You can write a message with included images, attach an analysis or a file, and add links to the web clients and library.
Important: To enable this task, you must add SMTP settings to the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file; for instructions, see Adding SMTP settings to the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file.

Send Email dialog
Option Description
To Type the email addresses to which the email should be sent. The separator to use depends on the regional settings of your computer.
Cc Type the email addresses to which a copy of the email should be sent.
Bcc Type the email addresses to which a hidden copy of the email should be sent.
From Type the email address from which the email should be sent. If the From-address for a job is unspecified, then the email address from the configuration file will be used.
Select Click to open a dialog where you can select recipients from your LDAP directory. This only works if you have an LDAP directory.
Subject Enter a subject for the email.
Message Enter the body text of the email.
Add library link Select the check box to include a link to the analysis in the library.

Optionally, enter text for the link in the text box, such as "Click to open analysis from the library." If you leave the field blank, the link is shown as the actual path to the library.

Add Web Player link Select this check box to include a link to the analysis in the web client.

Optionally, enter text for the link in the text field. If you leave the field blank, the link is shown as the actual path.

Attach analysis (with embedded data) Select this check box to attach the analysis to the email.
Attached visualization images You can include images from visualizations in the email. The images will be shown in the message body. The data will be embedded in the email. See the Add Visualization dialog below this table.
Add... Open to select the visualization images to add.
Edit Edit the settings for an added image.
Remove Removes the selected image from the list.
Attached files You can include files in the email, for example a PDF created by the Export Report to PDF task.
Add... Opens the Select File Attachment dialog, where you select the file to attach, specify the name of the attachment, and select if the file should be deleted after the email has been sent.
Note: Only select to delete the file if you are absolutely sure that the file should be deleted after the email has been sent. It is recommended to only delete temporary files, such as PDF files created by the Export Report to PDF task for the sole purpose of being sent out in an email. To avoid deleting files that should be saved, files can only be deleted if they have a create or modification time in the last 30 minutes. The time can be changed in the allowDeleteOfFilesModifiedLastMinutes setting in the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file.
Note: Allowed file paths may be limited by the allowedFilePaths setting in the Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Automation.config file. For more information, see the Spotfire Server and Environment Installation and Administration help.
Edit Edit the settings for an added attachment.
Remove Removes the selected attachment from the list.

title is visible twice, one above the other
Option Description
Visualization Select the visualization image that you want to appear in the email.
Hide preview images in list If the check box is selected, the list of visualizations directly above the check box does not display previews for each visualization. This reduces download time.
Width You can change the height and width of the image. Select the Maintain aspect ratio check box to keep the image's original proportions.
Maintain aspect ratio
Add visualization title as text above the image If the check box is selected, the title of the visualization, followed by a colon, appears just above the visualization. This is the default.

title appears at upper right above image

Hide visualization title from the image If the Show title bar check box is selected in the visualization Properties dialog, select this check box to prevent the visualization title from appearing in the upper-left corner of the image.

This is the visualization title appearing within the image:

Title appears in upper-left corner of image

Add extra line breaks above image Select this check box to add space above the image in the email message.