TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Connector configuration examples

By default, all Spotfire connectors are listed in the configuration file, Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config, and all connectors use Prompt as authentication mode.

This is the connector section of the configuration file:
 <setting name="WebAuthenticationMode" serializeAs="Xml">        
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SqlServerAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.OracleAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SsasAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SapBwAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.EssbaseAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.CompositeAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.MySqlAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.NetezzaAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.PostgreSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.VerticaAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAsterAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.HanaAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.GreenplumAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.ImpalaAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.ClouderaHiveAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SparkSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.HortonworksAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.DB2Adapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.PivotalHdAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.ODataAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.RedshiftAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SalesforceAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.GoogleAnalyticsAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.TeiidAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.DataStreamsAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.TIBCOComputeDBAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.DrillAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.DremioAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SnowflakeAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.LiveAppsAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.GoogleBigQueryAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
    <adapter name="Spotfire.SharepointAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
The effect that a certain authentication mode has for users who are logging in to a web client depends on the authentication method that was selected for the connection in the analysis. All authentication alternatives are not available for all connectors.


Prompt is the default authentication mode. When it is used, web client users are prompted for their username and password when they log in to analyses that contain connections.

Example: <adapter name="Spotfire.SparkSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>


ServiceAccount is used as authentication mode for connectors that are configured for anonymous authentication (for example Cloudera Hive, Cloudera Impala, Hortonworks, and OData). Web client users are connected to the external data source using the computer account or dedicated user account that is running the node manager.

Example: <adapter name="Spotfire.ClouderaHiveAdapter" mode="ServiceAccount"/>


To use Kerberos as authentication method, the following must be true:
  • Spotfire Server is configured to use delegated Kerberos.
  • In the analysis' connection login dialog, Kerberos is selected as authentication method.
For more information about Kerberos configuration, see Kerberos authentication.

Example: <adapter name="Spotfire.SqlServerAdapter" mode="Kerberos"/>


When WebConfig is used as authentication method, you can configure data sources in analyses so that web client users log in automatically with credentials stored in a credentials profile.

Example: <adapter name="Spotfire.SparkSqlAdapter" mode="WebConfig"/>

To use WebConfig authentication mode, you must add a credentials profile, which stores a username and password for authentication, in the web client configuration. This is done in the DataAdapterCredentials settings section in the configuration file Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config file. See the next section, DataAdapterCredentials.

You must also specify the credentials profile in the connection data source in the analysis. If you do not specify a credentials profile in the analysis, then web client users must enter their credentials.


If WebConfig is selected as WebAuthenticationMode, users log in with a credentials profile that is stored in the web client service configuration. A credentials profile consists of a profile name, a username, and a password. Optionally, you can specify a list of allowed servers and/or connectors in the allowed-usages element, which determines conditions for what you can use the credentials profile for. See Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config file.
<entry profile="profile_name">
  <entry server-regex="database\.example\.com" />

In the example below, two credentials profiles have been added:


 <setting name="DataAdapterCredentials" serializeAs="Xml">
    <entry profile="Sales_Dept">
      <entry server-regex="database\.example\.com" />
    <entry profile="Executive">
      <entry server-regex="another-database\.example\.com" />


For integrated security, the username should be in the DOMAIN\user format as in the example with EMEA\SalesUsers and EMEA\ExecUsers. The profile is an arbitrary string.

To use the credentials in an analysis, enter the profile name in Spotfire Analyst, on the Credentials page of the Data Source Settings dialog. When a credentials profile is specified both in the configuration file and in an analysis in Spotfire Analyst, web client users are not prompted for username and password to the connection when they open the analysis. Instead, the username and password that are defined in the credentials profile of the configuration file are used to log in to the data source.