TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Connector names in configuration file

This list describes how to refer to the different connectors in the configuration file Spotfire.Dxp.Worker.Host.exe.config.

Official name Name in configuration file
Amazon Redshift RedshiftAdapter
Apache Drill DrillAdapter
Apache Spark SQL SparkSqlAdapter
Attivio TeiidAdapter
Cloudera Hive ClouderaHiveAdapter
Cloudera Impala ImpalaAdapter
Dremio DremioAdapter
Google Analytics GoogleAnalyticsAdapter
Google BigQuery GoogleBigQueryAdapter
Hortonworks HortonworksAdapter
IBM DB2 DB2Adapter
IBM Netezza NetezzaAdapter
Microsoft SharePoint OnlineSharepointAdapter
Microsoft SQL Server SqlServerAdapter
Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services SsasAdapter
OData ODataAdapter
Oracle OracleAdapter
Oracle Essbase EssbaseAdapter
MySQL MySqlAdapter
Pivotal Greenplum GreenplumAdapter
Pivotal HAWQ PivotalHdAdapter
PostgreSQL PostgreSqlAdapter
Salesforce SalesforceAdapter
SAP BW SapBwAdapter
SAP HANA HanaAdapter
Snowflake SnowflakeAdapter
Teradata TeradataAdapter
Teradata Aster TeradataAsterAdapter
TIBCO Cloud™ Live Apps LiveAppsAdapter
TIBCO ComputeDB TIBCOComputeDBAdapter
TIBCO Data Virtualization CompositeAdapter
TIBCO Spotfire Data Streams DataStreamsAdapter
Vertica VerticaAdapter