TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Automation Services job scheduling

In the Automation Services area of the Spotfire web administration pages, you can schedule Automation Services jobs to run periodically. Then you can monitor and troubleshoot the resulting job executions.

Automation Services jobs are automated procedures that carry out multi-step tasks. For example, an Automation Services job could be used to open and update a sales analysis, and then email specific sections of the analysis to specific managers. Automation Services jobs are created in Spotfire Analyst by using the Automation Services Job Builder, and are saved as XML files. For details, see the Automation Services User's Guide.

After an Automation Services job file is created and then saved in the Spotfire library, any member of the Automation Services Users group who has the necessary library permissions can schedule the job. The Automation Services user selects the Automation Services job file and specifies the day or days of the week, and the time, that the job should run. This creates the "scheduled job". Scheduled jobs can contain multiple schedules, but each Automation Services job file can be associated with only one scheduled job.

Alternatively, you can use the create-scheduled-jobs command to create schedules from a JSON file. For details, see create-scheduled-jobs.

By default a new scheduled job is enabled and will run at the next scheduled time. You can edit the scheduled days and times, and switch the schedules to a different Automation Services job. You can also disable the scheduled job to temporarily stop its activity.

Deleting the scheduled job will permanently remove the schedule from Spotfire. The Automation Services job that was associated with that schedule is then available for new scheduling.

Moving an Automation Services job file from one folder in the Spotfire library to another does not affect the scheduled job, which continues to run as scheduled. Deleting an Automation Services job from the library disables (but does not delete) its schedule, which you can then attach to a different Automation Services job, or delete altogether.

Existing scheduled jobs that were scheduled using the Client Job Sender in Spotfire Analyst, or the API, will continue to work. These job executions will be visible on the Job activity page along with the jobs that were scheduled in the administration interface. For more information, see Automation Services API.