TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Scheduling Automation Services jobs

After an Automation Services job is created in Spotfire Analyst, you can schedule the job in the Spotfire web administration pages.

Before you begin

  • You must belong to the Automation Services Users group.
  • The Automation Services job that you want to schedule must be saved in the Spotfire library.
  • You must have Browse + Access permission for the library folder that contains the Automation Services job.

About this task

For general information on this feature, see Automation Services job scheduling.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • Follow these steps:
      1. Log in to Spotfire Server and click Automation Services.
      2. On the Scheduled jobs page, click Schedule a job.
      3. In the Select automation job from library dialog, browse the library and select the Automation Services job that you want to schedule.
    • In the Automation Services Job Builder, open the job you want to schedule, and then click Tools > Manage Job Schedule.
  2. Optional: On the Scheduled jobs page for a new or edited job, in the Scheduled job name field, you can edit the name of the scheduled job. By default, the scheduled job name is the same as the Automation Services job name.
  3. Click Add schedule and then select the days of the week and the time that you want the job to run. If necessary, change the time zone.
    Note: You can enter only one time in the Add schedule dialog. If you want to schedule the job to run twice (or more) on the same day, add additional schedules for the job.
    Example If you want a job to run at 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM on Monday, and at noon on Wednesday and Friday, add these three schedules to the job:
    One schedule for 8 AM Monday and one schedule for 3:30 PM Monday

    Schedule for noon on Wednesday and Friday

  4. When you have finished adding schedules, click Save.


The new scheduled job appears in the Scheduled jobs list, and will run on the scheduled day at the scheduled time.
Note: The Next run information for the job shows up in the Scheduled jobs list after you visit a different page of the interface.