TIBCO Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration

Editing and running a basic configuration script

To use the simple-config.txt file to set up Spotfire database authentication and user directory, you must modify the script so that it works in your environment.

Before you begin


  1. Open <server installation dir>/tomcat/spotfire-bin/simple-config.txt in a text editor and edit the variables:
    • Depending on the database you use, comment out SPOTFIREDB_DRIVER and SPOTFIREDB_URL variables (“#”) that are not applicable for your system, and uncomment the variables for things you use (remove “#”). For example, if you use SQL Server, comment out Oracle variables and uncomment SQL Server variables.
    • For SPOTFIREDB_URL, provide the specific values indicated by angle brackets.
    • For SPOTFIREDB_USERNAME and SPOTFIREDB_PASSWORD, provide the Spotfire database user name and password from the create_databases.bat script (described in the sections listed under Spotfire database setup).
    • For the CONFIG_TOOL_PASSWORD, choose a command line password that will be used to protect the server configuration from unauthorized access and/or modification.
    • For the ADMIN_USERNAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD, first create a user and add it to the Administrators group (see step 4 in Manually creating a simple configuration), and then provide the user name and password in the script.
  2. Save the script. If you do not want to overwrite the existing script, use another name.
  3. Open a command line and navigate to <installation dir>/tomcat/spotfire-bin.
  4. Type config run simple-config.txt and press Enter.
    The script executes and creates a basic configuration for Spotfire Server.
    Note: The tool is conservative and does not overwrite the bootstrap.xml or configuration.xml files unless the --force flag is used.
    Note: It is recommended that you manually remove the configuration.xml file when you are done. Do not remove bootstrap.xml because it is required to start and run the server.
    Note: The simple-config.txt file contains sensitive information.