Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Configures the Amazon S3 storage of library item data.

[-c value | --configuration=value]
[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 


Use this command for configuring the Amazon S3 storage of library data.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-c value
Optional configuration.xml The path to the server configuration file.
Optional If not explicitly configured, the default region will be used. The Amazon AWS region to connect to, for example eu-central-1. To clear an already configured value, use --region="NONE". If not explicitly configured, an attempt will be made to determine the region from the AWS_REGION system variable and the ~/.aws/config file.
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
Optional none The Amazon S3 bucket where library data is stored.
Optional none The optional key prefix to use for allowing data to be stored in the equivalent of a top level folder. The following restrictions are applied:
  • It must not start with a slash .
  • It must end with a slash (/).
  • Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and / (slash).
Required default The access key for connecting to Amazon S3. If set to default (the default), an instance of DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain is created. DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain can take authentication tokens from environment variables, Java system properties, by way of a config file, through the Amazon EC2 container, or through instance profile credentials delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service. For more information see the documentation for DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain.
Required none The secret key for connecting to Amazon S3. If access-key is set to default, then the secret key is not required. To clear an already configured value, use --secret-key="NONE".
Optional If not explicitly configured, the default region is used. The Amazon S3 endpoint to connect to. For example,
To clear an already configured value, use --endpoint="NONE".
Note: A signing region must also be specified (using the --region flag) when setting an endpoint.
Optional none The maximum number of threads used for uploading to Amazon S3.