Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Tests a JAAS application configuration.

[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value] 
[-t value | --tool-password=value] 
[-c value | --configuration=value] 
<-j value | --jaas-configuration=value> 
<-u value | --username=value> 
[-p value | --password=value]


Use this command to test a JAAS application configuration by performing a login attempt, using the specified credentials. It can test either a configuration stored in the server database or a configuration stored in an exported configuration file. To test a configuration stored in a configuration file, use the --configuration argument. Otherwise the configuration stored in the database is tested. If the JAAS login module requires a connection to the server database, the --configuration argument cannot be used.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-t value
Optional none The configuration tool password used to decrypt the database password in the file bootstrap.xml. Can be specified if a password is given and --enable-config-tool argument is set to true (the default).
-c value
Optional none The path to an exported server configuration file. If this parameter is omitted, the application attempts to retrieve the configuration parameters from the server database using the file bootstrap.xml, specified by the --bootstrap argument.
-j value
Required none The name of the JAAS application configuration to test.
-u value
Required none The name of the user to log in as.
-p value
Optional none The password of the user to log in as. If the password is omitted, the command prompts the user for it.