Spotfire® Server and Environment - Installation and Administration


Updates an Information Services data source with new settings.

[-b value | --bootstrap-config=value]
[-t value | --tool-password=value]
<-u value | --user=value> 
<-i value | --item-id=value> 


Use this command to update an Information Services data source. You can change the connection URL, the username, password, and edit the 'User authentication' setting.


Option Optional or Required Default Value Description
-b value
Optional none The path to the bootstrap configuration file. See Bootstrap.xml file for more information about this file.
-t value
Optional none The configuration tool password used to decrypt the database password in the file bootstrap.xml. If the tool password is omitted, the command prompts the user for it in the console. See Bootstrap.xml file.
-u value
Required none The user performing the update. The user should be an Information Modeler. The name of the user needs to include the user's domain name, for example 'DOMAIN\user' or 'user@domain', unless the user is part of the configured default domain.
-i value
Required none The library ID of the Information Services data source to update.
Optional none To redirect dependent elements, provide the name of the current catalog in the database.
Optional none To redirect dependent elements, provide the name of the catalog in the database to change to.
Optional none To redirect dependent elements and change the schema, provide the name of the current schema in the database.
Optional none To redirect dependent elements and change the schema, provide the name of the schema in the database to change to.
Optional none Change what data source template the data source is linked to. Enter the type-name of the data source template to switch to.
Optional none The new connection URL to use in the data source. Required if you set the datasource-type.
Optional none The new username to use for authentication with the database in the data source.
Optional none The new password to use for authentication with the database in the data source.
Optional none Specifies if the 'User authentication' setting should be enabled.
Optional -1 Set the value for the 'Maximum number of connections' setting in the data source.
Optional -1 Set the value for the 'Minimum number of connections' setting in the data source.
Optional false Specifies whether to validate the data source with the new settings before saving it.