Additional Functionality Available in Text Mode

Following is a list of the additional SQL functionality that is not available in the Graphic Mode of STATISTICA Query, but can still be added to the query by editing the SQL statement in the Text Mode. This list is by no means a complete listing of the advanced SQL options available in the Text Mode of STATISTICA Query. Rather it is provided as a general overview to demonstrate the flexibility and scope of STATISTICA Query as an external data querying tool. For specific information on SQL syntax, please consult an SQL manual.

  • Using mathematical operators to create calculations for use in criteria (e.g. +, -, *, /, MEAN, AVG, SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, etc.). For instance, you can add certain fields together to calculate an overall price (e.g. SELECT (SubTotal + ShippingPrice + Tax) TotalPrice FROM Orders).
  • Specifying outer joins to select records that are not equivalent. This is useful if you have data from two tables that are similar but not identical. All of the records from one table will be selected whether or not there are matching records in the other table. When the records do match, it will be displayed simply as one case. When they do not match, the record will still be displayed as a case in STATISTICA, however, there will be missing data for cells that did not match the other table.
  • Specifying subtract joins to select records that tables do not have in common. This is useful if you have data from two tables that are similar but not identical. All of the records from the first table that do not match the records from the second table will be displayed as cases in STATISTICA.
  • Sorting rows by one or more columns. A sort can be ascending or descending. For instance, you can sort a field based on the values of another field or even multiple fields.