StreamBase Embedded Adapters

Embedded adapters are those that run in the same EventFlow fragment's engine process that is hosting and processing your EventFlow fragment. In contrast to external adapters, embedded adapters do not incur a client-server communication overhead. Embedded adapters start and stop automatically with the EventFlow fragment.

Alphabetic Listing of all Embedded Adapters

The following embedded adapters are packaged as part of the base StreamBase installation. However, some adapters listed here are Premium adapters that require a separate license, as described on the License Considerations page.

LiveView Adapters

The LiveView embedded adapters allow you to easily configure EventFlow modules that work with TIBCO LiveView tables. There are six LiveView adapters:

  • The LiveView Alert Configuring Output adapter allows a StreamBase module to list, create, modify, and remove alerts from LiveView servers.

  • The LiveView Create and Drop Output adapter allows a StreamBase module to interactively create and drop data tables from a running LiveView Server instance.

  • The LiveView Delete Output adapter allows a StreamBase module to delete LiveView table rows based on a predicate.

  • The LiveView Publish Output adapter allows a StreamBase module to publish data to LiveView tables.

  • The LiveView Query Input adapter allows a StreamBase module to register ad hoc queries with LiveView servers and receive snapshot and real-time results.

  • The LiveView Ready Input adapter informs a StreamBase module when the configured LiveView Server is ready, and when it changes to not ready.

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