']' ;
A unique name for the materialized window declaration.
The name of the stream used to populate the materialized window with tuples.
A description of the window in the format:
{TIME | TUPLES | ONfield_identifier_w
} [PARTITION BYfield_identifier_p
]] -
The size of the window, expressed as either the number of tuples, an interval of time, or a range of values within a tuple field.
The tuple field used to set window size.
The tuple field to use to create windows for separate groupings of tuples. The PARTITION BY clause can only be used with tuple-based materialized windows.
The Materialized Window data construct remains available in StreamBase, but its use is discouraged. Materialized Windows may be superseded in a future release by a new feature with similar capabilities.
Since a stream is a potentially unlimited source of input data, some mechanism must exist to subdivide a stream into analyzable segments. A materialized window specification describes a managed view of tuples passing on a stream. The view can be based on a fixed number of tuples, a time interval, or a field value. The materialized window can optionally be partitioned into multiple windows based on a tuple field value.
A materialized window is much like a table. However, StreamBase transparently creates a primary key for the window. If desired, the CREATE INDEX statement can be used to define one, or more, secondary keys.
In a StreamSQL application, the tuples stored within the materialized window can be accessed through a SELECT statement in which the FROM clause references both an input stream and the materialized window. To insure that the result set returned by the SELECT statement is not empty, the FROM clause must use an OUTER JOIN to join the stream and materialized window. If defined, secondary key fields are used within the WHERE clause to limit the number of tuples returned from the materialized view.
Note that the square braces are a required part of the syntax (indicated by the
single quotation marks). A materialized window specification immediately follows the
identifier for the stream on which it is applied. The FROM clause of the SELECT
statement then uses the window_identifier
to reference the windowed stream. For example:
[SIZE 3 TUPLES]; CREATE INDEXindex_identifier
[USING {HASH|BTREE}] (field_identifier
[,...]); SELECT ... FROMstream_identifier_2
OUTER JOINwindow_identifier
The target list of the SELECT clause can include fields from the tuple on stream_identifier_2
or from the tuple retrieved from
the materialized window.
The SIZE and one of the choices TIME | TUPLES | ON field_identifier
are required entries.
SIZE sets the size of the window to either a fixed interval of time, a fixed number of tuples, or a specified range of values within one of the input tuple's fields.
TIME | TUPLES | ON field_identifier
determines whether the window is based on time, a fixed number of tuples, or a field
Using the TIME specification means that window size will be based on the system time on the computer running the StreamBase application. The value following SIZE is interpreted as seconds.
Using the TUPLE specification means that window size will be based on the number of tuples. The value following SIZE is interpreted as number of tuples.
Using the ON field_identifier
means that window size will be based on the value of a field in the input tuple. The
value following SIZE is interpreted as field values.
PARTITION BY identifies a field within the input tuple that will be used to group the incoming tuples. This clause can only be used with tuple-based materialized windows.