This topic index provides alphabetized links to topics in all books of the documentation.
% | . | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- % -
- %Time column
- Back to Top ^
- . -
- .NET clients
- Back to Top ^
- 2 -
- 29West LBM Publishing Output adapter
- 29West LBM Subscribe ACK Output adapter
- 29West LBM Subscribing Input adapter
- Back to Top ^
- 3 -
- : -
- A -
- abs function
- abstract schemas
- acos function
- ActiveMQ legacy adapter
- ActiveMQ operator
- ActiveSpaces adapter
- ActiveSpaces operators
- ActivFeed Input adapter
- adapter
- 29West LBM Publishing Output
- 29West LBM Subscribe ACK Output
- 29West LBM Subscribing Input
- 360T SuperSonic TEX
- ActivFeed input
- Alpha Trading Systems EMAPI Market Data Feed
- Alpha Trading Systems EMAPI Order Entry
- Barclays BARX FIX
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket output
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket output
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket output
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket output
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional Socket output
- Bi-Directional Socket reader input
- binary file reader input
- binary file writer output
- Bloomberg B-Pipe input
- Bloomberg Server API input
- Bloomberg Tradebook FX FIX
- BM&FBovespa EntryPoint
- BM&FBovespa UMDF
- Change Data Capture subscribing input
- CitiFX FIX
- CitiFX Options FIX
- CME Order Routing
- CSV file reader input
- CSV file writer output
- CSV socket reader input
- CSV socket writer output
- Currenex
- defining
- defining custom embedded
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX FIX (1, 2)
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX Trading System
- Digitec D3 Streaming
- e-mail sender output
- EBS Live XML
- Exegy Input
- Exegy Monitoring
- feed simulation input
- File monitor input
- File reader input
- File writer output
- Flume external
- Forex Capital Markets
- FXall FIX
- FXall Relationship Trading Provider
- FXSpotStream FIX
- Gain GTX FIX
- Goldman Sachs Electronic Trading
- HA Heartbeat
- hdfs binary file reader input
- HDFS binary file writer output
- HDFS CSV file reader input
- HDFS CSV file writer output
- HDFS File delete output
- HDFS File reader input
- HDFS File writer output
- HDFS regular expression file reader
- HDFS XML file writer output
- Hotspot FX Trading System
- Hotspot Itch input
- HTTP reader input
- IBM WebSphere MQ input
- IBM WebSphere MQ output
- input sample
- Integral FX Inside FIX
- Interactive Data PlusFeed input
- IRC reader input
- Kafka Admin Output
- Kafka Consumer input
- Kafka Producer output
- KCG Hotspot FX FIX
- LavaFX FIX
- life cycle
- Lime Citrius Quote input
- Log
- MarketFactory Enhanced Market Data
- MarketFactory Trading
- Morgan Stanley FIX
- Morningstar Quotes Feed input
- MQTT Client Publish Input
- MQTT Client Subscribe Input
- Multicast socket receiver input
- Multicast socket sender output
- Nomura FX FIX
- Once
- OSIsoft PI
- PI
- POP3 reader input
- properties
- Raptor
- regular expression file reader
- regular expression socket reader
- RSS reader input
- Saxo Bank FIX
- SMTP reader input
- Spotfire Automation Services output
- StreamBase monitor
- StreamBase to StreamBase input
- StreamBase to StreamBase output
- Syslog
- TBF Input
- Tervela Publishing output
- Tervela Subscribing Input
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time contribution output
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time publishing output
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time subscribing input
- TIBCO FTL Publishing output
- TIBCO FTL Subscribing Input
- TIBCO Rendezvous Publishing output
- TIBCO Rendezvous Subscribing Input
- Trading Technologies
- Twitter input
- Twitter output
- UBS Equities
- UDP receiver input
- UDP sender output
- Velocity Analytics Broadcast Server Input
- Velocity Analytics UTSS Output
- Wall Street Systems Input
- Wall Street Systems output
- Web reader input
- Web Server Request Input
- Web Server Response Output
- WebSocket Client Read Input
- WebSocket Client Write Output
- Wombat MAMA input
- Wombat MAMA output
- XML file writer output
- XML Over HTTP writer output
- adapter API
- adapter-configurations element
- adapters
- add action
- Add button
- addbson function
- administrator
- advamceTimeTo function
- advanceTimeBy function
- Affected Components link
- aggregate context
- Aggregate expressions
- aggregate functions
- field dimension sample
- field-based dimension (1, 2)
- offsets with time dimension
- predicate dimension sample
- predicate-based dimension
- time dimension sample
- time-based dimension (1, 2)
- tuple dimension sample
- tuple-based dimension (1, 2)
- two-dimension sample
- aggregate operator
- aggregatelist function
- aggregatelistnonnull function
- alias
- AllowTcpForwarding
- alpha function
- Alpha Trading Systems EMAPI Market Data Feed adapter
- Alpha Trading Systems EMAPI Order Entry adapter (1, 2)
- andall function (1, 2)
- Annotations tab
- anonymous schema
- Apache HBase adapter
- Apache HBase Admin operator
- Apache HBase Delete operator
- Apache HBase Get operator
- Apache HBase operator samples
- Apache HBase operators
- Apache HBase Put operator
- Apache HBase Scan operator
- Apache Kafka Adapter samples
- API documentation
- APIs
- append function
- appgen.allow-all-function-input
- appgen.error-schema-version
- appgen.tupleid
- application
- Application Diagram
- application element
- Application Input view
- application module
- Application Output view
- applications
- APPLY statement
- archives
- arcs
- arithmetic operators
- asin function
- Assistance panel
- atan function
- atan2 function
- authentication
- Authentication sample
- authentication with sbd
- avg function
- avgif function
- avg_list function
- Back to Top ^
- B -
- background mode
- Barclays BARX FIX adapter
- BCS FIX adapter
- best bids and asks sample
- beta function
- between-and operator in expressions
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket output adapter
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket reader input adapter
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket output adapter
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket reader input adapter
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket output adapter
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket reader input adapter
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket output adapter
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket reader input adapter
- Bi-Directional Socket output adapter
- Bi-Directional Socket reader input adapter
- binary file reader input adapter
- binary file writer output adapter
- bitand function
- bitnot function
- bitor function
- bitxor function
- Black Scholes Generalized
- black_scholes
- blob
- blob function
- Bloomberg B-Pipe input adapter
- Bloomberg Server API input adapter
- Bloomberg Tradebook FX FIX adapter
- BM&FBovespa EntryPoint adapter
- BM&FBovespa UMDF adapter
- Bollinger Band sample
- bool
- bool function
- bootext directory
- BPipe
- Breakpoint sample
- Breakpoints view
- bsontojson function
- BSort operator
- BSort sample
- BSORT statement
- buffering
- buffering sample
- builder
- buttons and icons in StreamBase Studio
- Back to Top ^
- C -
- C++
- C++ API documentation
- C++ clients
- C++ functions
- callcpp function
- calljava function
- canvas
- capacity planning
- capture field
- capture fields
- case sensitivity
- casting
- catchexception function
- cbrt function
- ceil function
- certificates
- Change Data Capture Input Adapter
- check-app-environment-variables-changed
- chip architectures
- choose function
- CitiFX FIX adapter
- CitiFX Options FIX adapter
- client application
- client enqueuer and dequeuer
- client library documentation
- client status monitor
- client status monitor samples
- client.log-connection-status
- client.max-tuples-in-queue
- closeval function
- clustering
- CME FAST adapter
- CME FIX/FAST adapter
- CME Order Routing adapter
- coalesce function
- coalesce_tuples function
- codegen.compileinprocess
- codegen.digest-type-names
- codegen.error-for-null-as-primitive (1, 2)
- codegen.generate-bytecodes
- codegen.intermediate-stream-dequeue-regex
- codegen.jarinprocess
- codegen.trace-tuples
- coercion
- colon-equals syntax
- command line
- command line tools
- command prompt
- command prompt as administrator
- command reference
- command-line client
- commands
- comments
- Compare editor
- compare schemas
- Compare These Components
- Compare With
- comparing EventFlow files
- comparing EventFlow modules
- comparing schemas (1, 2)
- comparing selected components
- compile function
- component exchange
- components
- compound expressions
- compound_interest function
- concat function
- aggregate (1, 2)
- simple version
- concatenation
- concrete schemas
- concurrency options (1, 2, 3)
- conditional expressions
- configuration
- configuration file
- creating new
- StreamBase Server (1, 2)
- used by Studio
- configuration file editor
- Configuration File Editor
- Configuration File wizard
- configurations
- constant intervals
- constants
- Constants and Schemas
- contact information
- container
- container connections
- container overview
- container subsystem
- containers
- contains function
- contains function,and in operator
- contains function,for strings
- control stream
- conversion
- converting EventFlow to StreamSQL
- copy EventFlow components
- Copy Schema button
- Copy Schema From dialog
- copyright information (1, 2)
- correctly displayed
- correlation_coefficient function (1, 2)
- correlation_coefficientp function
- cos function
- cosh function
- count function
- countif function
- countlong function
- count_distinct function
- count_distinct_elements function
- count_list function
- covariance function
- covariancep function
- CPU clock speeds
- CPU column in sbmonitor display
- CREATE INDEX statement
- CREATE LOCKSET statement
- CREATE SCHEMA statement
- CREATE STREAM statement
- CREATE TABLE statement
- CREATE WINDOW statement
- cross-container shared tables sample
- CSV file input for feed simulation
- CSV file reader input adapter
- CSV file reader sample
- CSV file writer output adapter
- CSV socket reader input adapter
- CSV socket reader sample
- CSV socket writer output adapter
- CSV timestamps
- Cur Sz column in sbmonitor display
- Currenex adapter
- custom adapters
- custom aggregate C++ functions sample
- custom C++ functions
- custom file reader
- custom function resolvers
- custom functions
- Custom Java Aggregate Function
- Custom Java Simple Function
- custom operator
- custom simple C++ functions sample
- customer feedback
- customer support
- Back to Top ^
- D -
- data construct overview
- data constructs
- Data definition language
- data file input for feed simulation
- Data manipulation language
- data parallelism
- data type
- data types
- data-source element
- data-sources element
- Database Change Data Capture Input Adapter sample
- databases
- datadir parameter
- date function
- days function
- debug configurations
- Debug view
- debugger
- debugging applications
- declare action
- DECLARE statement
- defining custom adapters
- defining custom operators
- Definitions tab
- DELETE statement
- deploying applications (1, 2)
- deployment file
- deployment file editor
- Deployment File Editor
- deployment files
- Deq in sbmonitor display (1, 2)
- dequeue .NET clients
- dequeue C++ clients
- dequeuing data
- Description Tab
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX Classic FIX Adapter
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX Rapid FIX Adapter
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX Trading System adapter
- dialog
- Digitec D3 Streaming adapter
- Dimension
- dir element
- directories
- disk Query Table created with older version
- disk requirements
- dispatch styles
- documentation site map
- DotNET API documentation
- dotproduct function
- double
- double function
- Doxygen
- driver element
- Drools operator
- Drools operator sample
- dynamic variables
- Dynamic Variables tab
- Back to Top ^
- E -
- e-mail sender output adapter
- EBS FIX adapter
- EBS Live XML adapter
- Eclipse
- Eclipse-supplied views
- editor
- Editor tab
- element-type element
- embedded adapter
- 29West LBM Publishing Output
- 29West LBM Subscribe ACK Output
- 29West LBM Subscribing Input
- 360T SuperSonic TEX
- ActiveSpaces
- ActivFeed Input
- adding to application
- adding to EventFlow application
- adding to StreamSQL application
- Alpha Trading Systems EMAPI Market Data Feed
- Apache HBase
- Apache HBase Admin
- Apache HBase Delete
- Apache HBase Get
- Apache HBase Put
- Apache HBase Scan
- Barclays BARX FIX
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket output
- Bi-Directional BLOB Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket output
- Bi-Directional CSV Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket output
- Bi-Directional JSON Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket output
- Bi-Directional Serialized Tuple Socket reader input
- Bi-Directional Socket output
- Bi-Directional Socket reader input
- binary file reader input
- binary file writer output
- Bloomberg B-Pipe input
- Bloomberg Server API input
- Bloomberg Tradebook FX FIX
- BM&FBovespa EntryPoint
- BM&FBovespa UMDF
- Change Data Capture subscribing input
- CitiFX FIX
- CitiFX Options FIX
- CME Order Routing
- CSV file reader input
- CSV file writer output
- CSV socket reader input
- CSV socket writer output
- Currenex
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX FIX (1, 2)
- Deutsche Bank AutobahnFX Trading System
- developing
- Digitec D3 Streaming
- e-mail sender output
- EBS Live XML
- Exegy Input
- Exegy Monitoring
- feed simulation input
- File monitor input
- File reader input
- File writer output
- Forex Capital Markets
- FXall FIX
- FXall Relationship Trading Provider
- FXSpotStream FIX
- Gain GTX FIX
- Goldman Sachs Electronic Trading
- HA Heartbeat
- HBase
- HBase Admin
- HBase Delete
- HBase Get
- HBase Put
- HBase Scan
- hdfs binary file reader input
- HDFS binary file writer output
- HDFS CSV file reader input
- HDFS CSV file writer output
- HDFS File delete output
- HDFS File reader input
- HDFS File writer output
- HDFS regular expression file reader
- HDFS XML file writer output
- Hotspot FX Trading System
- Hotspot Itch input
- HTTP reader input
- IBM WebSphere MQ input
- IBM WebSphere MQ output
- in StreamSQL
- Integral FX Inside FIX
- Interactive Data PlusFeed input
- IRC reader input
- Kafka Admin Output
- Kafka Consumer input
- Kafka Producer output
- KCG Hotspot FX FIX
- LavaFX FIX
- life cycle events
- Lime Citrius Quote input
- Lime FIX
- Log
- managing
- MarketFactory Enhanced Market Data
- MarketFactory Trading
- Morgan Stanley FIX
- Morningstar Quotes Feed input
- MQTT Client Publish Input
- MQTT Client Subscribe Input
- Multicast socket receiver input
- Multicast socket sender output
- Nomura FX FIX
- Once
- POP3 reader input
- Raptor
- regular expression file reader
- regular expression socket reader
- RSS reader input
- Saxo Bank FIX
- SMTP reader input
- Spotfire Automation Services output
- StreamBase monitor
- StreamBase to StreamBase input
- StreamBase to StreamBase output
- Syslog
- TBF input
- Tervela Publishing output
- Tervela Subscribing Input
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time contribution output
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time publishing output
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time subscribing input
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces
- TIBCO EMS (1, 2)
- TIBCO FTL Publishing output
- TIBCO FTL Subscribing Input
- TIBCO Rendezvous Publishing output
- TIBCO Rendezvous Subscribing Input
- Trading Technologies
- Twitter input
- Twitter output
- UBS Equities
- UDP receiver input
- UDP sender output
- Velocity Analytics Broadcast Server Input
- Velocity Analytics UTSS Output
- Wall Street Systems Input
- Wall Street Systems output
- Web reader input
- Web Server Request Input
- Web Server Response Output
- WebSocket Client Read Input
- WebSocket Client Write Output
- Wombat MAMA input
- Wombat MAMA output
- XML file writer output
- XML Over HTTP writer output
- embedded adapters
- empty schemas (1, 2)
- emptylist function
- EMS Configuration Editor
- encipher
- endswith function
- Enq in sbmonitor display (1, 2)
- enqueue C++ clients
- environment variables
- epoch function
- error element
- error function
- error input stream
- Error Log view
- error output stream
- error port defined
- error ports
- error streams (1, 2)
- error streams sample
- error tuple
- error-handler element
- escaped identifiers (1, 2)
- eval function
- EventFlow
- EventFlow application
- creating first
- typecheck errors (1, 2)
- EventFlow components
- EventFlow debugger (1, 2)
- EventFlow Editor
- EventFlow Editor canvas
- EventFlow Editor command reference
- EventFlow files
- EventFlow function sample
- EventFlow module
- EventFlow modules
- Excel
- execution order
- Exegy Input Adapter
- Exegy Monitoring Adapter
- exotic identifiers
- exp function
- expm1 function
- exported schemas
- exporting
- expression language
- expressions
- arithmetic operators
- case sensitivity
- casting
- comments in (1, 2)
- compound
- concatenation
- conditional
- data type coercion
- data types
- effect of nulls
- field names
- identifiers
- logical operators
- naming rules
- NaN functions
- null literals
- precedence order
- qualifying field names
- relational operators
- unary operators
- white space in
- wildcards
- expressions language
- exp_moving_avg function
- Extend Interfaces
- Extension Point deployment
- extension point operator
- Extension Point operator
- Extension Points view
- external adapter
- external adapters
- external files
- external JDK
- External Process operator
- Back to Top ^
- F -
- factorial function
- feed simulation
- Feed Simulation Conditional Fields sample
- Feed Simulation Custom Reader sample
- Feed Simulation Editor (1, 2, 3)
- feed simulation input adapter
- Feed Simulations view
- FeedProc sample
- field element
- field grids
- input fields
- using (1, 2)
- field grids sample
- field names
- Field Serializer operator
- File monitor input adapter
- file reader
- File reader input adapter
- file search
- file transfer protocol
- File writer output adapter
- Fill All Rows button
- Filter operator
- Filter sample
- filtered subscribe
- filterlistl function
- filternull function
- findbson function
- firstapp sample
- firstelement function
- firstn function
- firstnonnullval function
- firstval function
- FIX adapter
- FIX Schema Designer view
- flexible module
- floor function
- Flume external adapters
- folders
- foldleft function
- foldright function
- format function
- format_time function
- frequently asked questions
- frombson function
- fromCodePoint function
- from_gmtime function
- from_localtime function
- from_unixtime function
- FTP operator
- function
- functions
- FXall FIX adapter
- FXall Relationship Trading Provider adapter
- FXCM adapter
- FXSpotStream FIX adapter
- Back to Top ^
- G -
- GAIN GTX adapter
- Gain GTX FIX adapter
- garbage collection
- Gather operator
- Gather sample
- GATHER statement
- gaussianrandom function
- getAllHostIPs function
- getClientIP function
- getCompilerProperty function
- getContainer function
- getHostName function
- getLeadershipStatus function
- getNodeName function
- getOldestWindowID function
- getParallelRoot function
- getPath function
- getServerURI function
- getSetCompilerProperty function
- getTableSize function
- getTargetTime function
- getWindowID function
- get_conf_param function
- get_datatype_conf_param function
- get_day_of_month function
- get_day_of_week function
- get_day_of_year function
- get_hour function
- get_millisecond function
- get_minute function
- get_month function
- get_second function
- get_year function
- global element
- global Java operator
- global Java operators
- global operators
- Global Repository
- Goldman Sachs Electronic Trading adapter
- goodman_kruskal_gamma function
- Group Options tab
- groups in EventFlows
- Back to Top ^
- H -
- HA Heartbeat adapter
- HA subsystem
- hash function (1, 2)
- has_intersection function
- HBase adapter
- HBase Admin operator
- HBase Delete operator
- HBase Get operator
- HBase operator samples
- HBase operators
- HBase Put operator
- HBase Scan operator
- hdfs binary file reader input adapter
- HDFS binary file writer output adapter
- HDFS CSV file reader input adapter
- HDFS CSV file reader sample
- HDFS CSV file writer output adapter
- HDFS CSV timestamps
- HDFS File delete output adapter
- HDFS File reader input adapter
- HDFS File writer output adapter
- HDFS regular expression file reader input adapter
- HDFS XML file writer output adapter
- Heartbeat Aggregate sample
- Heartbeat Merge sample
- Heartbeat operator
- HEARTBEAT statement
- helpers
- hidden module folders
- hidden password
- hierarchy
- high availability
- Hotspot FX Trading System adapter
- Hotspot Itch input adapter
- hours function
- HSBC FIX adapter
- HTTP reader input adapter
- hygienic modules and interfaces
- Back to Top ^
- I -
- IBM WebSphere legacy adapter
- IBM WebSphere MQ input adapter
- IBM WebSphere MQ output adapter
- IBM WebSphere operator
- ICAP EBS Live XML adapter
- ide.component-exchange-force-auth
- ide.debugger.remote-call-timeout-ms
- identifiers
- imported schemas
- importing
- importing schemas and constants
- imports
- Imports Tab
- in
- In column
- include action
- indexof function
- inet_aton function
- inet_ntoa function
- inheritance
- input adapter properties
- input streams
- INSERT statement
- INSERT/UPDATE statement
- insertelement function (1, 2)
- installation directories
- installing StreamBase
- int
- int function
- Integral FX Inside FIX adapter
- Interactive Data PlusFeed input adapter
- intercept function
- interface
- Interface Editor
- Interface Tab
- interfaces
- Interfaces sample
- intermediate streams
- intersect function
- interval function
- intervals
- IRC reader input adapter
- isempty function
- isinterval function
- isnan function
- isnull function
- isOldestWindow function
- Iterate operator
- Iterate sample
- Back to Top ^
- J -
- jar element
- JARfiles
- Java
- Java API documentation
- Java build path
- Java JDK
- Java operator
- Java Operator Complex Types Sample
- Java operator sample
- Java properties
Java property
- appgen.allow-all-function-input
- appgen.error-schema-version
- appgen.tupleid
- check-app-environment-variables-changed
- client.log-connection-status
- client.max-tuples-in-queue
- codegen.codegen.javac-Xmx
- codegen.compileinprocess
- codegen.digest-type-names
- codegen.error-for-null-as-primitive (1, 2)
- codegen.generate-bytecodes
- codegen.intermediate-stream-dequeue-regex
- codegen.jarinprocess
- codegen.trace-tuples
- ide.component-exchange-force-auth
- ide.debugger.remote-call-timeout-ms
- jdbc.max-repeat-exceptions
- log-adapter-async
- log-level
- low-latency
- max-queue-size
- max-stat-tuples-cache
- operator.parameters.log-level
- queue-flush-interval
- read-buf-size
- reconnect-sleep
- runtime.send-zero-stats
- sbd-shrink-after-process
- sbd.max-input-packet-size
- streambase.decouple.operator.log-level
- streambase.feedsim.plugin-classpathl
- streambase.sbd.allow-overwrite-constants
- streambase.unit-test.server-conf
- streambase.write-buf-size
- tcp-nodelay
- tuple-connection-quiescent-limit
- tuple-connection-timeout
- uri
- xmlrpc-timeout
- Java VM settings (1, 2)
- java-vm element
- Javadoc
- JDBC data source
- JDBC data sources
- JDBC Query operators
- JDBC Table
- JDBC Table data construct
- JDBC tables
- jdbc-batch-size
- jdbc-batch-timeout-ms
- jdbc-connection-timeout
- jdbc-dont-reconnect-regexp
- jdbc-fetch-size
- jdbc-max-column-size
- jdbc-query-timeout
- jdbc-quote-strings
- jdbc-reconnect-attempts
- jdbc-reconnect-regexp
- jdbc-reconnect-sleep
- jdbc-retry-sqlstate
- jdbc-share-connection
- jdbc-timeout
- jdbc.max-repeat-exceptions
- JMS adapter
- JMS Configuration Editor
- JMS legacy embedded adapters
- JMS operator
- JMS operators
- jms-connections-defaults element
- jmsconf editor
- join function
- Join operator
- Join sample
- joinbson function
- joinlist function
- jsbadmin command
- jsbc command
- jsbclientgen command
- JSON to Tuple and Tuple to JSON operator sample
- JSON to Tuple operator
- jsontobson function
- JVM settings
- Back to Top ^
- K -
- Kafka Adapter samples
- Kafka Admin Output Adapter
- Kafka Consumer input adapter
- Kafka Producer output adapter
- KCG Hotspot FX FIX adapter
- kendall_tau function
- kendell_tau function
- keyboard navigation
- keyboard shortcuts
- known limitations
- Back to Top ^
- L -
- lag function
- lastelement function
- lastindexof function
- lastn function
- lastnonnullval function
- lastval function
- Latency column in sbmonitor display
- launching
- launching applications
- launching StreamBase Studio
- LavaFX FIX adapter
- layout file
- LDAP authentication
- LDAP Authentication sample
- ldap element
- legacy adapter
- legacy embedded adapter
- lenbson function
- length function (1, 2)
- library element
- license considerations
- Lime Citrius Quote input adapter
- limitations
- list
- list function (1, 2)
- listbson function
- literals
- LiveView Project Viewer
- ln function
- loading samples
- Lock and Unlock operators
- Lock operator
- Lock Set data construct
- LOCK/UNLOCK statements
- Log adapter
- log-adapter-async
- log-level
- log10 function
- log1p function
- log4j
- Log4j
- Logback
- Logger API
- logging (1, 2)
- logical operators
- long
- long function
- loop sample
- loops
- low-latency
- lower function
- lshift function
- ltrim function
- lv-client
- lv-server command
- Back to Top ^
- M -
- MACD sample
- Manage Interfaces
- Manage Module Imports
- managing resource files
- Manual Input view
- map columns to sub-fields
- Map operator
- Map sample
- map to leaf fields
- maplist function
- maplist_loose function
- MarketFactory Enhanced Market Data adapter
- MarketFactory Trading adapter
- materialized window
- Maven
- max function
- Max Sz column in sbmonitor display
- max-queue-size
- max-stat-tuples-cache
- maxdouble function
- maxelement function
- maxint function
- maxlong function
- maxn function
- md5 function
- median function
- memory requirements
- memory settings (1, 2)
- Merge operator
- Merge sample
- MERGE statement
- mergelist function
- metadata qualifier
- Metadata tab
- Metronome operator
- Microsoft .NET operator
- Microsoft .NET operator sample
- Microsoft Windows
- registry keys for StreamBase
- StreamBase services (1, 2)
- migrating
- milliseconds function
- min function
- mindouble function
- minelement function
- minimizing imports
- minint function
- minlong function
- minn function
- minutes function
- modular configuration files
- module
- Module Call Hierarchy view
- Module Explorer view
- module imports
- module introduction
- module parameter
- Module Reference
- module reference
- module search path
- module-search element
- modules
- modulus in expressions
- Monitor API
- monitoring applications (1, 2, 3)
- monitoring with JMX
- Morgan Stanley FIX adapter
- Morningstar Quotes Feed input adapter
- mouseover
- Moving Average Convergence Divergence
- MQTT Client Publish Input Adapter
- MQTT Client Subscribe Output Adapter
- Multicast socket receiver input adapter
- Multicast socket sender output adapter
- multiple SLF4J bindings
- must be upgraded
- Back to Top ^
- N -
- namebson function
- named schema
- named schema constructor function
- named schemas
- naming rules
- nan function
- nanotime function
- native libraries
- nested schemas
- network requirements
- New Application wizard
- New Interface wizard
- New Project wizard
- New StreamBase Deployment File wizard
- New StreamBase Server Configuration File wizard
- new_tuple function
- new_tuple_subset function
- new_tuple_subset_loose function
- no fields schema
- Nomura FX FIX adapter
- non-hygienic module reference
- non-hygienic modules and interfaces
- note
- Notes
- notnan function
- notnull function
- now function
- null values
- nullif function
- nulllist function
- nulls
- Back to Top ^
- O -
- older version
- Once adapter
- openval function
- operating systems
- Operation tab
- operator
- operator must be upgraded
- operator-parameter element
- operator-parameters element
- operator-resource-search element
- operator.parameters.log-level
- operators
- operators in StreamBase
- orall function (1, 2)
- order of precedence
- OSIsoft PI Adapter
- Out column
- Outline view
- output adapter properties
- Output filtering sample
- output streams
- Output tab
- Back to Top ^
- P -
- Package Explorer
- page-pool element
- palette
- Palette view
- parallel region
- parallelism
- param element
- parameters
- Parameters tab
- parent schemas (1, 2)
- parsecsv function
- parsejson function
- parsejson_loose function
- parse_time function
- Pass All button
- passwords
- paste EventFlow components
- path notation
- Pattern operator
- pattern operator
- pattern query
- Pattern sample
- pearson function
- percentile function
- Performance Monitor
- permute function
- perspective
- perspectives
- PI adapter
- planning capacity resources
- playing recorded data streams
- plugin element
- POP3 reader input adapter
- pow function
- Pproperties view
- precedence
- precedence order
- precompiled applications
- preferences
- prepend function
- private module folders
- private schema
- Problems view
- Proctime column in sbmonitor display
- product function
- Profiler view
- profiling
- profiling applications (1, 2)
- project
- project builder
- project management
- project properties
- project references
- Project Viewer
- Projects view
- properties
- Properties view
- proxy server
- putbson function
- Python API documentation
- Back to Top ^
- Q -
- query
- Query operator
- Query sample
- Query tab
- Query Table
- query table
- query table data construct
- Query Tables
- query tables
- Query TopN sample
- queue-flush-interval
- Queued Jobs column in sbmonitor display
- quick facts
- quick outline
- QuickFIX/J configuration file
- Back to Top ^
- R -
- RAM requirements
- random function
- randomstring function
- random_tuple function
- range function
- ranges
- rank function
- Raptor adapter
- read-buf-size
- Read-Only EventFlow Editor
- reader
- reconnect-sleep
- recording data streams
- Recordings view
- refactor
- Refactor
- refactoring resource names
- referencing other projects
- regexmatch function
- regexmatch_ignorecase function
- regexreplace function
- regexsplit function (1, 2)
- regextuple function
- region
- registry keys
- regular expression file reader input adapter
- regular expression socket reader adapter
- relational operators
- release note archives
- release notes
- remote Studio access
- remove action
- remove unused imports
- removebson function
- replace action
- replace function
- REPLACE statement
- Replace With
- replaceelement function
- repository
- reserved words
- resources
- Reuters RFA/Java Configuration Wizard
- Reuters Schema Designer View
- reverse function
- RMDS contribution adapter
- RMDS Contribution Adapter sample
- RMDS Input Adapter sample
- RMDS Output Adapter sample
- RMDS publishing adapter
- RMDS subscribing adapter
- role
- roles
- round function
- round robin dequeuer
- rshift function
- RSS reader input adapter
- rtirm function
- run configurations
- running
- running StreamBase applications
- runtime debug files
- runtime element
- Runtime Schema Cast operator
- runtime tracing
- runtime.send-zero-stats
- Back to Top ^
- S -
- sample
- deployment files (1, 2)
- logging with log4j
- samples
- Apache HBase operators
- Apache Kafka Adapters
- Authentication
- best bids and asks
- Bollinger Band
- BSort operator
- cross-container shared tables
- CSV file reader
- CSV socket reader
- Custom Java Aggregate Function
- Custom Java Simple Function
- debugging
- Drools operator
- error streams
- EventFlow functions
- Extension Point deployment
- Extension Point operator
- Feed Simulation Conditional Fields
- Feed Simulation Custom Reader
- FeedProc
- field grids
- Filter operator
- Gather operator
- HA
- HDFS CSV file reader
- Heartbeat Aggregate operators
- Heartbeat Merge operators
- Interfaces
- Iterate operator
- Java operator (1, 2)
- JDBC Table data construct
- Join operator
- JSON to Tuple and Tuple to JSON operator
- LDAP Authentication
- location
- Lock and Unlock operators
- loop
- Map operator
- Merge operator
- Metronome operators
- Microsoft .NET operator
- output filtering
- Pattern operator
- Query operator
- Query Table index by expression
- Query Tables
- Query TopN
- rebuilding clients on Windows
- rebuilding custom functions on Windows
- round robin dequeuer
- Sequence operator
- shared tables
- Split operator
- StreamBase .NET client
- StreamBase Monitor adapter
- TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM operator
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces operator (1, 2)
- type coercion
- UDP multicast mode receiver
- UDP multicast mode sender
- UDP receiver
- UDP sender
- Union operator
- XML Normalizer operator
- XML to Tuple and Tuple to XML operator
- Saxo Bank FIX adapter
- SB Authoring perspective
- SB Manager Perspective
- SB Test/Debug perspective
- SB Trace Debugger Perspective
- sb-config command
- sb-include
- sb-trading-components-admin command
- sbadmin command
- sbadmin operator
- SBAdmin role
- sbapp
- sbapp application
- sbar files
- sbargen command
- sbbundle command
- sbc command
- sbcipher command
- sbconf editor (1, 2)
- sbconf file
- sbconf files
- sbconfutil command
- sbd command
- sbd-shrink-after-process
- sbd.max-input-packet-size
- sbd.max-tuples-in-dequeue-packet
- sbd.sbconf
- sbdeploy editor (1, 2)
- sbdeploy files
- SBDeveloper role
- sbfeedsim command
- sbfeedsim-old command
- sblayout
- sbmanager
- sbmanager command
- sbmonitor
- sbmonitor command
- sbmonitor element
- sbprofile command
- sbproxy command
- sbrecord command
- sbs: protocol
- sbstudio command
- sbunit command
- sburi command
- SBUser role
- sbuseradmin command
- SB_CLIENT_CLASSPATH environment variable
- schema
- schema element
- schema inheritance
- schemas
- search
- seconds function
- securerandom function
- security options
- SELECT statement
- separate threads (1, 2)
- Sequence operator
- Sequence sample
- server
- Server Configuration File Editor
- server element
- service
- session state
- setting passwords
- setting roles
- setting usernames
- set_day_of_month function
- set_day_of_week function
- set_hour function
- set_minute function
- set_month function
- set_second function
- set_year function
- shared tables sample
- shortcuts
- sign function
- sin function
- sinh function
- site map
- Size column in sbmonitor display
- sleep function
- slope function
- SMTP reader input adapter
- snapshot interval
- snapshot interval in sbmonitor
- SNMP input adapter
- Solace Systems legacy adapter
- Solace Systems operator
- sort function
- sort shuffle
- spearmans_rank function
- split function (1, 2)
- split one stream into multiple streams
- Split operator
- Split sample
- splitbson function
- Spotfire Automation Services output adapter
- sqrt function
- SSH configuration
- ssl authentication
- starting
- startswith function
- stdev function
- stdevp function
- stopping StreamBase applications
- stored procedures (1, 2)
- StreamBase
- command prompt
- configuration file (1, 2)
- deployment file
- installing on Linux
- installing on OS%C2%A0X
- installing on Solaris
- path notation
- registry keys on Windows
- sbconf file (1, 2)
- sbdeploy file
- services on Windows (1, 2)
- StreamBase .NET client sample
- StreamBase applications
- StreamBase component exchange
- StreamBase Debugger
- StreamBase interfaces
- StreamBase JUnit Test (1, 2)
- StreamBase logging
- StreamBase Manager
- StreamBase Monitor
- StreamBase Monitor adapter sample
- StreamBase monitor input adapter
- StreamBase server
- StreamBase Server
- and environment variables (1, 2)
- background mode
- starting
- StreamBase Studio
- StreamBase to StreamBase input adapter
- StreamBase to StreamBase output adapter
- streambase-embeddedkey-512.server
- streambase-install-dir
- streambase.* properties
- streambase.decouple.operator.log-level
- streambase.feedsim.plugin-classpathl
- streambase.sbd.allow-overwrite-constants
- streambase.uri
- StreamBaseFIX configuration file
- StreamBaseFIX properties file
- STREAMBASE_CRASH_HANDLER environment variable
- STREAMBASE_CRASH_QUIET environment variable
- STREAMBASE_CRASH_TRACE environment variable
- STREAMBASE_DATA environment variable (1, 2)
- STREAMBASE_HOME environment variable
- STREAMBASE_JVM_ARG environment variable
- STREAMBASE_JVM_ARGS environment variable
- STREAMBASE_LICENSE environment variable
- STREAMBASE_LOG_LEVEL environment variable
- STREAMBASE_QUIESCENT_LIMIT environment variable
- STREAMBASE_RECONNECT_SLEEP environment variable
- STREAMBASE_SERVER environment variable
- STREAMBASE_STUDIO_VMARGS environment variable
- STREAMBASE_TCP_NODELAY environment variable
- STREAMBASE_USE_CUSTOM_LOGGING environment variable
- STREAMBASE_USE_INTERNAL_JDK environment variable
- STREAMBASE_XMLRPC_TIMEOUT environment variable
- streams
- Streams and Query Tables
- StreamSQL
- APPLY statement
- BSORT statement
- CREATE INDEX statement
- CREATE LOCKSET statement
- CREATE SCHEMA statement
- CREATE STREAM statement
- CREATE TABLE statement
- CREATE WINDOW statement
- DECLARE statement
- DELETE statement
- file properties
- GATHER statement
- HEARTBEAT statement
- INSERT statement
- INSERT/UPDATE statement
- LOCK/UNLOCK statementS
- MERGE statement
- overview
- REPLACE statement
- reserved words
- SELECT statement
- syntax conventions
- TRUNCATE statement
- Tuple Join
- UNION statement
- USING statement (1, 2)
- wildcard rules
- StreamSQL application
- converting from EventFlow
- creating first
- typecheck errors (1, 2)
- StreamSQL Editor
- strftime function
- string
- string function (1, 2)
- string multiplication
- string repetition
- stringbson function
- strlen function
- strpinterval function
- strptime function
- strresize function
- strresizetrunc function
- Studio
- memory settings (1, 2)
- preferences
- use of configuration files
- Studio reference pages
- STUDIO_BOOT_CLASSPATH environment variable
- sublist function
- subscriptions
- substr function
- subversive
- sum function
- sumif function
- sum_list function
- supported configurations
- Syncthread column in sbmonitor display
- Sys column in sbmonitor display
- Syslog input adapter
- sysproperty element
- system container (1, 2)
- system properties
- system.connections schema
- system.control stream
- system.error schema
- system.subscriptions schema
- systemenv function
- systemproperty function
- Back to Top ^
- T -
- table schemas (1, 2)
- tan function
- tanh function
- Tasks view
- TBF input adapter
- tcp-nodelay
- tcp-port parameter
- TCP/IP configuration
- template
- terms
- TERR operator
- Tervela Publishing output adapter
- Tervela Subscribing Input adapter
- text search
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time Contribution output adapter
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time publishing output adapter
- Thomson Reuters Enterprise Platform for Real-Time Subscribing Input Adapter
- Thr in sbmonitor display (1, 2)
- threads
- throw function
- TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Operator
- TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM operator sample
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces adapter
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces legacy operator
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces operator
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces operator sample (1, 2)
- TIBCO ActiveSpaces operators
- TIBCO EMS adapter (1, 2)
- TIBCO EMS Configuration Editor
- TIBCO EMS legacy adapter
- TIBCO EMS operator
- TIBCO EMS operators
- TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R operator
- TIBCO FTL Map operators
- TIBCO FTL Publishing output adapter
- TIBCO FTL Subscribing Input adapter
- TIBCO Rendezvous Publishing output adapter
- TIBCO Rendezvous Subscribing Input adapter
- TIBCO TERR operator
- time conversion
- time function
- time-service-configurations element
- timestamp
- timestamp function
- timestamps
- formatting ms in Excel (1, 2)
- in expressions
- timezoneoffset function
- TMP environment variable
- tobson function
- toCodePoint function
- today function
- today_utc function
- tojson function
- tooltips
- to_degrees function
- to_milliseconds function
- to_radians function
- to_seconds function
- trace configurations
- trace debug
- trace debugger
- trace debugging
- Trading Technologies adapter
- TREP-RT contribution adapter
- TREP-RT Contribution Adapter sample
- TREP-RT Input Adapter sample
- TREP-RT Output Adapter sample
- TREP-RT publishing adapter
- TREP-RT subscribing adapter
- trim function
- TRUNCATE statement
- tuning
- tuning applications
- tuple
- tuple function
- Tuple Join
- Tuple to JSON operator
- Tuple to XML operator
- tuple-connection-quiescent-limit
- tuple-connection-timeout
- tuplebson function
- tuples
- tutorials
- Twitter input adapter
- Twitter output adapter
- two-way ssl
- type coercion sample
- type conversion
- Typecheck Errors view
- typecheck status indicators
- typechecking
- Typechecking preferences
- types
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- U -
- UBS Equities adapter
- UBS FIX adapter
- UDP multicast mode receiver sample
- UDP multicast mode sender sample
- UDP receiver input adapter
- UDP receiver sample
- UDP sender output adapter
- UDP sender sample
- UMDF adapter
- unary operators
- unicode
- Union operator
- Union sample
- UNION statement
- unique function
- unit tests
- unit-test.server-conf
- Unlock operator
- unsignedrshift function
- unused imports
- unzip function
- upper function
- uri
- uri element
- us/T column
- User column in sbmonitor display
- usernames
- USING statement
- utility expressions
- uuid function
- Back to Top ^
- V -
- variables
- Variables view
- variance function (1, 2)
- variancep function
- Velocity Analytics Broadcast Server Input Adapter
- Velocity Analytics time conversion (1, 2)
- Velocity Analytics UTSS Output Adapter
- version function
- view
- views
- Visual C++
- visual debugger (1, 2)
- vmargs settings (1, 2)
- volume-weighted average-price function
- vwap function
- Back to Top ^
- W -
- w-us/T column in sbmonitor display (1, 2)
- Wall Street Systems Input adapter
- Wall Street Systems output adapter
- Web reader input adapter
- Web Server Request Input Adapter
- Web Server Response Output Adapter
- WebSocket Client Read Input Adapter
- WebSocket Client Write Output Adapter
- WebSphere legacy adapter
- WebSphere operator
- weeks function
- white space
- wildcard rules
- wildcards
- Windows
- Windows 7
- Windows service
- Windows services
- Windows Services
- withmax function
- withmin function
- Wombat MAMA input adapter
- Wombat MAMA output adapter
- working directory
- workspace-dir
- write-buf-size
- Back to Top ^
- X -
- XInclude
- XML file writer output adapter
- XML Normalizer operator
- XML Normalizer operator sample
- XML Over HTTP writer output adapter
- XML to Tuple and Tuple to XML operator sample
- XML to Tuple operator
- xmlrpc-timeout
- xorall function
- Back to Top ^
- Z -
- Zing JVM
- zip function