The Applications page groups all application files, including procedures, synonyms, HTML files, data flows, user functions, and other files on a single application tree. By default, files in an application are listed in order of file type. The file type is indicated by a unique icon for each type that displays to the left of the file name in the tree. However, you can sort or filter the list to generate custom views of each application.
Right-clicking an item brings up a context menu. The items you see on the context menu depend on your role and the type of file. Some items are only available to administrators or other users with administrator privileges. Some of the items on the context menu provide shortcuts to items on the Workspace or My Console menu.
The following table lists the icons displayed for each type of file on the application tree.
Icon |
Type of File |
Closed application directory |
Opened application directory |
Metadata |
Synonym (.mas) |
Cluster synonym (.mas) |
Business View synonym (.mas) |
Procedures |
Stored Procedure (.fex) |
Data Migrator Flow (.fex) |
Data Migrator Flow with Change Data Capture (CDC) (.fex) |
DBMS SQL Flow (.fex) |
Direct Load Flow (.fex) |
Direct Load Flow with Change Data Capture (CDC) (.fex) |
User Function (.fex) |
Scheduled Only (.fex) |
Documents |
HTML file (.htm, .html, .shtml, .htt, .mht, .mhtml, .cfm, .tpl, .hta, .htb) |
Microsoft Excel® Document (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xht, .xltx, .xlsm, .xltm) |
Adobe Acrobat Document (.pdf, .ai) |
XML Document (.xml, .wsd, .xsd, .wsdl, .mxml, .gcl, .xul, .dtd, .xsl, .xslt, .axl) |
JavaScript Object Notation (.json) |
Microsoft PowerPoint® Document (.ppt, .pptx, .pptm) |
Microsoft Word® Document (.doc, .docx, .docm, .dot, .dotx, .dotm) |
Other |
SQL Script (.sql) |
Data File (.foc, .ftm, .dat, .txt, .csv, .tab, .bdat, .data, .tmp) |
Graphics File (.jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .svg, .jfif, .tif, .tiff, .ico, .gif, .bmp, .png) Note: The text inside the icon identifies the type of image file. |
Style File (.sty, .focstyle, .css) |
Archive File (.zip, .rar, .tar, .jar, .war) |
Script File (.js, .jcs, .omi, .cbl, .hti, .jji, .vbs, .sh, .ctl, .bat, .t3i, .jcl, .ps) |
Log/Trace File (.log, .trc, .hto, .t3o, .sta, .msg) |
Configuration File (.cfg, .ini, .prf, .err, .nls) |
Language File (.lng) |
Other Document (.prn, .dif, .fmu, .wp, .ifp, .lzx, .syl, .dmc, .tdl, .bst, .adr, .eps, .swf, .as, .trf, .idx) |
MAINTAIN File (.mpt, .mnt, .fcm, .wfm, .wri, .wxi) |
The following options are available on the Applications page ribbon:
New. Enables you to create new application files. The available context menu options are:
Get Data. Opens the Get Data page for uploading files or configuring adapters and connections.
Filter. Enables you to customize the items that display on the application tree. If there are nested application directories and you want to see the selected files from all of them in a single list, click the ellipsis button (...) on the files pane. The available context menu options are:
Manage. Enables you to manage your applications. The following context menu options are available:
SQL Repository. Provides options to create and manage SQL repositories, allowing you to store the contents of an application folder in an SQL database.
WebFOCUS Client Repository. Provides options to link to or list and delete a WebFOCUS Client Repository.
Note that this option is only available for the server administrator and users with server administrator privileges. Users with these privileges can manage (add, delete, copy, move, or modify files) directories that are not in the Application Path.
Reset. Resets the application page to its default settings and enables the user to show or hide the different panes.
Like the top level of the Application Directories tree, application directory folders include New, Schedule and E-mail, and Impact Analysis options, as described in Context Menu Options for Application Directories.
Application directory folders also include the following right-click options:
All files include the standard right-click options of Cut, Copy, Paste, Rename, and Delete. .
You can multi-select files before clicking an option on the right-click menu. To select a group of contiguous files, click the first file, hold down the Shift key and click the last file. To select discontiguous files, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the files you want to select.
Files also include the following right-click options:
If you right-click a synonym, the shortcut menu gives you a choice of Master File or Access File.
Stored procedures include the right-click options Open, Delete, Cut, Rename, and Properties, as described in Context Menu Options for Application Directories.
Stored procedures also include the following right-click options:
Data Migrator and Direct Load Flows include the Schedule and E-mail and Impact Analysis options, as described in Context Menu Options for Application Directories. They include the Run, Run Advanced, Logs, and Dependencies Analysis options, as described in Context Menu Options for Stored Procedures.
Data Migrator and Direct Load Flows also include the following options:
Quick Queries include the Schedule and E-mail and Impact Analysis options, as described in Context Menu Options for Application Directories. They also include the Run, Run Advanced, Submit with Options, and Logs options, as described Context Menu Options for Stored Procedures.
In addition to the standard file options (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Properties), User Functions include the Test right-click option, which tests the function.
In addition to the standard file options (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, and Properties), HTML files include the Run and Logs options, as described in Context Menu Options for Synonyms.
HTML files also include the following options:
Custom Pages include the standard file options (Open, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Privileges, and Properties). Custom Pages also include an Edit option.
Synonyms include the Analysis Reports option, as described in Context Menu Options for an Application Directory. They also include the Download, Copy, Delete, Rename, and Properties options, as described Context Menu Options for Stored Procedures.
Synonyms also include the following options: